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Amateur films
1) 0284.0066
[Meyer Davis--home movies] Reel 66
Box notes: '[Frontier Town?] 1960 Ocean City.' // Dancing Indians, water mill, locomotive, tourists on stage coach, tourist ghost town, children on ponies, log fort.
55) 0284.0067
[Meyer Davis--home movies] Reel 67
Can notes: 'Strasbourg 1965. Sorrento 1965. Marge, etc. Firestones at Newport--Kittrns [sic] when born--reg. 8 mm.' Our Family Thru the Years 65-67. //NHF cataloguer's notes: In...
2) 0284.0068
[Meyer Davis--home movies] Reel 68
Can notes: '1965--Sorrento--E.D. Family, Margie & Family. Tennis. Marge, Lee--Tennis--Sorrento 1967. Dinner Party 101, Perins, Ila, Marge, Kids, Barbecue--Sorrento 1967. Kids at...
4) 0284.0069
[Meyer Davis--home movies] Reel 69
Box notes: '1966--Birthday--Strasbourg--Garry home--children--new baby. Super 8.' NHF cataloguer's notes: Informal gathering and dinner party. Meyer sits at head of table. Sheep...
13) 0284.0070
[Meyer Davis--home movies] Reel 70
Can note: 'Macy Parade '66.' // NHF Cataloguer's Notes: Parade: Smokey the Bear float, also Underdog and Donald Duck. Sign for Tessie O'Shea (?), Charleston High School band. Si...
6) 0284.0071
[Meyer Davis--home movies] Reel 71
Can notes: Summer '67. Kozitsky's; Trot--Garry. Esther; Girl Scouts; Enroute to Maine. CPW--Park Swings. Frug--All Grand--[chk?].' // Swimming in pool with mother and children. ...
69) 0284.0073
[Meyer Davis--home movies] Reel 73
Can note: 'Dinner party at home. Barbadoes--the Lords. Sorrento pool. Pam--Pari. Esther and children--Troy, Tina, Kim. Village flea market. Quarry. Barbecue at home.' // NHF cat...
31) 0329 cat. 0019-09-WABI
Paul Bunyan Parade
Bangor : parade and unveiling of Paul Bunyan statue. Crowd including WABI reporter Dick Bronson, Norm Martin with a beard, Governor Closson, Norm Martin, celebration director Da...
31) 0336 cat. 0023-06-WABI-61
Bozo Parade
Scenes of Bozo the clown dancing and waving to spectators as part of a parade.
5) 0341 cat. 0026-12-WABI-61
Fair Cattle Judging
Cattle contest including parade of owners and cattle, interviews with winners, WABI personnel.
10) 0345 cat. 0032-01-WABI-61
Santa Parade
Bangor: Parade featuring school marching bands from Bangor, Brewer, Bucksport, Hermon, Ellsworth and Orono. Also Santa and reindeer float, Bangor fire truck, and crowds.
34) 0350 cat. 0032-18-WABI-61
United Fund Parade
Bangor: Parade shots include cars, floats, marching bands, poster girl float, majorettes, spectators.
25) 0350 cat. 0033-01-WABI-60
Santa Claus Parade
Parade including Nativity and Christmas Countdown floats, Jaycees, Santa and reindeer, Newport and Bangor marching bands and majorettes.
36) 0357 cat. 0049-10-WABI-62
Brewer Parade
Brewer: Parade shots including Bernice Winslow School of Baton twirlers, Maine Jr. Miss, Bette Gregoire Twirlerettes, Boy Scouts, fire trucks, American flag, bands, floats and c...
18) 0358 cat. 0049-12-WABI-62
United Fund Parade
Parade including Jewish Council, YMCA, CYO, Eastern Maine Guidance Center, bands, Telstar replica displaying fund goal of $231,475.
30) 0359 cat. 0049-22-WABI-62
Santa Parade
Parade including Orono, Bucksport, and Newport school bands along with floats and Santa with reindeer.
34) 0362 cat. 0052-08-WABI-62
Bull Auction at UM
Cow and bull auction including parade for bidders. CU, MS, and LS of bull.
34) 0367 cat. 0053-01-WABI-62
Bingham Sesquicentennial
150th anniversary celebration for Bingham, including interviews with pastor, oldest citizen, Brothers of the Brush chairman, Chamber of Commerce chairman, parade, Governor Reed,...
20) 0373 cat. 0056-03-WABI-
Memorial Day Parade(?)
Bangor: Parade including Woodland High School Band, 195th Army Band, Bette Gregoire's Twirlerettes, majorettes, servicemen marching in formation, dignitaries on platform.
26) 0382 cat. 0071-01-WABI-63
Memorial Day Parade
Bangor: Parade including band, Legionnaires, twirlers, officials, and children.
33) 0382 cat. 0071-10-WABI-63
Jaycees Parade
Bangor: Parade including 'Welcome to Bangor Jaycees' sign, Miss Maine, Miss Bangor-Brewer, Old Orchard Jaycee float, high school bands.
22) 0383 cat. 0063-32-WABI-63
1963 Soap Box Derby
Brewer: Derby including kids in soap boxes, WABI entry, parade with bands and twirlers.
17) 0385 cat.0067-13-WABI-63
Halloween Parade
Preparation for a Halloween parade including putting posters in store windows, a child in a bull costume, and a child at a door.
36) 0386 cat.0069-13-WABI-63
[Santa's Parade]
Santa parade. Santa climbs down a fire ladder and into a crowd as he heads for his cabin at the Broadway Shopping Center. Shots include parade with floats and marching bands, Sa...
19) 0393 cat. 0068-20-WABI-63
UM at New Hampshire
Parade: floats go by as crowd watches.
26) 0400 cat. 0082-06-WABI-64
Memorial Day Parade
Bangor: Parade including Army, Navy, National Guard, bands, twirlers, onlookers.
21) 0403 cat. 0086-12-WABI-64
Parade Plans
Bangor: Men go through documents, hold up a trophy and calendar, circle September 12 as date of Firefighter's Parade in Bangor.
28) 0405 cat. 0089-03-WABI-64
Hampden Fire Dept.
Hampden: Shots of a paddlewheeler-type boat that may be a parade float.
23) 0405 cat. 0089-07-WABI-64
Plans at Bass Park for Parade
Parade preparation including bulldozer clearing a patch of ground, people talking, stands.
32) 0405 cat. 0089-10-WABI-64
Fire fighters Parade -- Bangor
Bangor: Parade including Lewiston, Hampden, Bangor and Machias fire departments' floats; Howland, Woodland, and Brewer high school bands; appearances by Bozo and Smokey the Bear...
25) 0405 cat. 1039-05-WABI-64
Hampden Fire Dept.
Hampden: Preparations for Fire fighters Parade including a riverboat float with signs reading 'Fire Dept. Hampden' and 'Hampden Queen.'
35) 0414 cat.0089-01-WABI-64
Don MacNeil
Waterville: Don MacNeil's visit to Armory including him sitting behind a desk onstage, leading a parade through the audience, an Ellie Mae singing to Waterville's mayor, MacNeil...
27) 0432 cat. 0091-03-WABI-65
Potato Blossom Festival
Parade including Miss Maine, the Potato Queen, the Maple Queen, Miss Junior Maine, and others.
28) 0432 cat. 1040-05-WABI-65
Fourth of July Celebration
Bangor: foot race, barbecue, music, games, a parade with clowns and marching bands, people in cars, pageant winners, old bicycles and cars, floats.
29) 0432 cat. 1041-07-WABI-65
Belfast Broiler Festival
Belfast: Event including parade, beauty pageant, hatching chicks, Governor John Reed.
6) 0432 cat. 1045-04-WABI-65
Pittsfield Kiwanis Fair
Pittsfield: Fair and parade including marchers, horseback riders, children, parents.
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Bailey, Solon and Betty Collection (7)
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Cartledge, Joan Collection (7)
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Maine State Library Collection (1)
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1960 (45)
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Albion Emery (1)
Alfred Ames (1)
Clayton Hodgkin (3)
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Joshua D. Maule, Jr. (1)
Julia Crafts Sheridan (1)
Victor Beaudoin (1)
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