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1) 0823
Speaks for Itself
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client Capistro Wine, title 'Speaks for Itself,' producer WLBZ
19) 0823
Geek Banker
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client Great Northern Lighting, title 'Geek Banker,' producer...
2) 0823
American Tradition
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client Downeast Country Wines, title 'American Tradition,' pr...
4) 0823
Winter Spots
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client Northeast Chrysler & Plymouth Inc., title 'Winter Spot...
12) 0823
Light Up Your Life
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client Sound Ideas, title 'Light up Your Life,' producer WLBZ
6) 0823
All People
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client Ellsworth Builders Supply (EBS), title 'All People,' p...
24) 0823
Babcock-Ultra Power Plants
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client Maine Power Services, title 'Babcock-Ultra Power Plant...
8) 0823
[title not known]
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client Paul's/Jordan's Restaurant, [title?], producer WLBZ, 4...
16) 0823
Old Man
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client Ellsworth Builders Supply (EBS), title 'Old Man,' prod...
18) 0823
Stay an Extra Day
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client Quoddy Bay/Fundy Isles Tourism, title 'Stay an Extra D...
11) 0823
Beauty of Nature
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client New Land Nursery, title 'Beauty of Nature,' producer WLBZ
12) 0823
April Diamond Heist
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client G.M. Pollack & Sons, title 'April Diamond Heist,' prod...
13) 0823
A New Mariane's
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client Mariane's, title 'A New Mariane's,' producer WLBZ
18) 0823
Old Man & All People
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client Ellsworth Builders Supply (EBS), title 'Old Man & All ...
32) 0823
[title not known]
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client Footman's Dairy, [title?], producer Duffy Darrow, 30 sec.
33) 0823
Simply the Best
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client The Lion, title 'Simply the Best,' producer WLBZ
34) 0823.PC9
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client The Hinckley Co. title 'Hinckley,' producer Jeff Dobbs...
35) 0845.0001
Television: Birth of the Video God in Bangor
Bangor High School student's video term paper including interviews with Richard (Dick) Bronson, George Gonyar and Margo Cobb about beginnings of WLBZ TV and WABI TV. Also includ...
35) 0849
[Various titles]
Includes the following titles: - Waterfront, a television series (syndicated 1954) about San Pedro Harbor (CA), starring Preston Foster; 16 episodes, 1,000 ft. each. - 138 assor...
20) 0872.0001
Cole Haan Men's Fall 1992
Includes archival footage from NHF collections for shoe manufacturers' advertisement. ONSITE REFERENCE ONLY.
9) 0873.0001
Country Kitchen Light
Advertisement for Lewiston, Me. -based bakery. Includes NHF archival footage from BHS/WABI Collection: Country Kitchen ad, and YMCA excercise. Ad uses music video style. ONSITE ...
22) 0960.0001-.0122
[1992 political commercials]
Political commercials, 1992 campaign. All the tapes WABI TV ran during the campaign season except the controversial abortion spot which the group requested back. List by Colleen...
3) 1081.0001
['Birth of the Video God in Bangor' rough copy--interviews]
Note: compare with Acc. 0845.0002 (may be same)
17) 1108
[Archie Stewart--home movies] VT3 (part 2)
Mary Stewart Hafer notes: Videotape 3 Part 2 8/12/90-2/27/91 8/12/90 Picnic with George and Janet Maharay. John, Tara and Moira Hafer present. 388 Grand Street, Newburgh. Ann H...
20) 1108
[Archie Stewart--home movies] VT6 (part 1)
Mary Stewart Hafer notes: Ann and Reg's in Fallbrook, CA. Ann getting mail from mailbox. Windchimes. Backyard with citrus trees. Yellow rose tree. Mother with lovely huge rose...
1) 1300.0001
[Excerpts from Total Containment/S.D. Warren Productions]
VHS reference tape. Contains excerpts from two industrial promotional works. ONSITE REFERENCE ONLY. 'Total Containment, Jacket Application' was made for marketing purposes, to b...
2) 1367.0001
History is Always Being Made at Bucksport
Promotional video by and for Champion International Corporation. This production includes NHF archival footage from: Central Maine Power Collection (Bucksport mill construction)...
19) 1439.0001
League of Conservation Voters: Times
VHS reference tape of television ad called 'Times' paid for by the League of Conservation Voters Association. Dated 10/1/96. Includes NHF archival footage from BHS/WABI Collecti...
5) 1458.0283
[Desert Storm Troops Return]
Live report from Bangor International Airport on return of United States military personnel from Operation Desert Storm in the Middle East. Carrigan interviews several returning...
30) 1458.0284
[BIA Troop Welcome # 1]
Maine people greet military personnel from around the United States during a stopover at Bangor International Airport, as they return from Operation Desert Storm duty in the Mid...
7) 1458.0285
[War in the Gulf #3]
Raw footage. // 20 minute segment featuring families of military personnel in the Persian Gulf interviewed in Milo by reporter Jill McDonald. 20 minute interview by Carrigan wit...
6) 1458.0288
[War in the Gulf # 7]
Notes on case: ':00 = Family Assistance Program, 5:00 = Troops at Bangor International Airport, 9:00 = F-16 fighters and pilots, 34:30 = Vietnam Veteran Interview, 40:30 = Air N...
7) 1458.0289
[War in the Gulf # 4]
Notes on case: ':00 = BIA Security, 13:00 = Peace Protest (Pre-War), 21:00 = KC-135 Refueling Tankers, 23:00 = Assembly at Nokomis Regional High School.'
31) 1461.0001
Maine's Television Time Machine
Broadcast version of Maine's Television Time Machine. // Created 01/02/1991. // General description: Selections from NHF's Bangor Historical Society/WABI Collection. Compiles WA...
35) 1482.0001
New Hampshire's Route 16
Promotional work sponsored by New Hampshire Dept. of Transportation. Includes NHF archival footage (from Stump to Ship). ONSITE REFERENCE ONLY.
29) 1630.0001
[Hot Shots/Cool Cuts and Action Sports Adventure demo tape]
VHS reference tape. 1997 demo tape featuring: Action Sports Adventure: 'professional, archival, olympic, [and] extreme' footage; and Hot Shots/Cool Cuts: 'locations, newsreels, ...
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