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9) 0252.0066
[Howard Kane--home movies] Reel 66
NHF notes as follows. Can/reel/box annotations appear in quotes. Reel 66: (250 ft.) 'Maine 1935 plane.' (color very red) Aerial views [of flooding?]. Views from a boat. Flower g...
22) 0284.0031
[Meyer Davis--home movies] Reel 31
The Lake Placid Ferry. Swimming with the children and Rube Bloom. Picnic at lake house. The Wachapreague Hotel [Virginia]. On the docks with Meyer and friends geting ready for f...
22) 0298
[Seapro project] Tape 4
NHF viewing notes: Dated 10-06-1988. Rockland harbor, interview with 'Sea Leader' boat's captain Philip Reeves, lobster boat, ferry, holding tanks. Log notes from Bob McIntire a...
692) 0307 cat. 0005-04-WABI-56
Blue Nose Ferry Launching
Shots of the Blue Nose ferry on her first trip. From the side and from behind as the ship is put into the water after christening.
27) 0307 cat. 1001-01-WABI-56
Blue Nose Ferry
Blue Nose Day including ferry race, an ox-pull, speakers, shots onboard as ferry sails into harbor.
16) 0318 cat.0013-03-WABI-60
Ferry Scenes
Ferry. Shots taken on board of dock and spectators as ferry leaves, Boat, an island, passengers, cars on board, captain's central room, trail of bubbles left behind.
7) 0394
Vinalhaven Ferry
Vinalhaven: Scenes from the ride to and from Vinalhaven on the newly dedicated Everett Libby ferry. Shots include LS of the water and surrounding land, people on the lower deck ...
35) 0394 cat. 0066-01-WABI-60
Vinalhaven Ferry
Vinalhaven: Dedication ceremony of the Everett Libby ferry. Shots include view of coast from ferry and Senator Edmund Muskie as passenger. Lobster bake attended by Muskie with f...
53) 0431 cat. 0039-16-WABI-56
[Blue Nose Ferry]
Ferry arrival in Bar Harobor from Nova Scotia; includes tour of the boat, cars exiting, and control room
3) 0449 cat. 1052-02-WABI-67
Amateur Boxing at Bangor Auditorium
Boxing match scenes including boxers and crowd.
36) 0450 cat. 1056-19-WABI-67
Silverman-Riccitelli Interview
Interview with Silverman, who works with world class boxer Joe Riccitelli, regarding fight and tour. Other fighter talks about his confident strategy.
5) 0450 cat. 1058-01-WABI-67
Reccitelli-Halliday Fight -- Bangor
Bangor: Fight scenes at Auditorium.
11) 0451 cat.1059-04-WABI-67
[Boxing Interview]
News story dated 07/05/1967. // Interview with boxer Gene Herrick and promoter Sam Silverman regarding move of New England Championship bout from Portland to Bangor. Herrick dis...
31) 0451 cat. 1059-09-WABI-67
[Herrick-Silverman Interview]
Interview with boxer regarding bouts with Riccitelli, Sprague, Rocky Loos, Holliday.
13) 0451 cat.1059-19-WABI-67
[Boxing match]
Boxing match.
36) 0453 cat. 1062-10-WABI-67
Fight Weigh-In
Boxer being weighed on scale in locker room with several people watching. Another boxer being weighed.
30) 0453 cat. 1062-17-WABI-67
Mile Eight or Bangor Fight
Two men boxing with referee calling a penalty. Black fighter holds white fighter. Referee breaks it up. White fighter punches black fighter. White fighter wins and they shake ha...
11) 0453 cat. 1063-19-WABI-67
Graci - Cruz Weigh-in
Two men getting weighed on scales. Two more men weighing in.
12) 0453 cat. 1063-20-WABI-67
Fight Scenes, Bangor Auditorium
Two men fighting. Announcer talking. Man in white robe talking and shaking hands with opponent. Fighting.
26) 0455 cat. 1071-02-WABI-67
Graci - Victoria Weigh-In
Black man being weighed by two men at scale. Another man being weighed laughing. Third man being weighed.
21) 0456 cat. 1071-08-WABI-67
Graci-Victoria Fight Scenes
Two men boxing in ring with white trunks taking the aggressive. Other fighter wins the bout.
33) 0456 cat. 1071-27-WABI-67
De Nucci - Simmons Weigh-In
Black man being weighed by elderly man. Another man being weighed. Elderly man writing. Third man being weighed.
21) 0554 cat. 0042-01-WABI-59
Swan's Island Ferry
Silent footage of the Swan's Island Ferry William S. Silsby;views of the hardware store near the ferry landing; the Ferry picking up vehicles; closeups of the captain and crew a...
24) 0559 cat. 1018-07-WABI-61
Silent footage of highlights of the boxing match between Carmen Basilio and Paul Pender; Basilio goes down twice; photographers with cameras are set just under the ropes all alo...
22) 0570 cat. 0041-01-WABI-59
'Gov. Muskie' Motor Ferry
Dedication ceremonies honoring the ferry's maiden voyage from Islesboro to Lincolnville. Interviews with Maine Port Authority's General Manager Edward Langlord, Authority Presid...
11) 0573 cat. 0040-01-WABI-56
[Blue Nose Ferry Service]
Inauguration of ferry service between Yarmouth, Nova Scotia and Bar Harbor including interviews and speeches by Gov. Muskie, Sen. Margaret Chase Smith, Premier Hicks of Nova Sco...
9) 0609 cat. 0034-05-WABI-56
Blue Nose Ferry
Ferry as it sails into Bar Harbor including LSs of ferry and crowds waiting for it.
10) 0609 cat. 0035-01-WABI-56
Blue Nose Ferry Launching
Canada: Launching of ferry on maiden voyage to Bar Harbor including LSs of ship and crowds waiting for christening, speeches, CU of deck, car driving onto ferry.
52) 0609 cat. 0035-02-WABI-56
Blue Nose Ferry
Bar Harbor: Ferry sailing into harbor includes speeches by the captain, Governor Edmund Muskie, GAM Kirk from Canada, Mr. Pickering from Canadian National Railways, Yarmouth com...
3) 0706.0004
[Forrest Colby--home movies] Reel 4
Reel 5501 Date code on original 16mm film is 1934. Dalmatians with Joan (young girl) in garden. Swan house in Columbia Circle, Shanghai. Outdoor table with mother. Sm...;Label on film: 'Hangchow, Lianchi First Part Street Scenes.' // Date from edge code on film. // Fox hunt or steeple chase and other horse scenes. Children in yard. Shots of rive...
4) 0738.0006
[Unidentified—home movies] Reel 6
Hockey. Intertitle: “THIS TEAM, ‘THE BOYS’ PLAYED HARD.” followed by shot of boys’ team. Intertitle: “BUT THIS TEAM, ‘THE FACULTY’ WON.” followed by shot of faculty team. Foo...
32) 0789.0001-.0146
[146 Reels of Sports footage]
12-20 years of sportscast covering all sports by WCSH's first sports caster. Comes with scripts. Cans found 6/99 may have useful dates and other information to help link reel nu...
17) 0789.0004
[Pre-match training for Liston-Ali fight] Reel 4
Reel 4: Pre-match training at Poland Spring Hotel, Poland Spring, Maine, for Sonny Liston - Muhammad Ali boxing match that was held in Lewiston, Maine (May 1965).;[Silent] Airplane taxis. Sony Liston and his wife Geraldine Liston get off the plane and greet people on the tarmac. They leave the airport through a crowd of fans. [Sound] S...
94) 0803.0004
[Harold B. Neal--home movies] Reel 4
Original title from donor for Reel 4: 'Begins with trip to Nova Scotia, Machias, etc. Maine Coast, fall. Good fall color.' NHF cataloguer's notes, 1/96 for Reel 4: Machias, Me. ...
2) 0813.0490
[Ferry Terminal to Yarmouth, Nova Scotia]
News story dated 10-29-68. Men talk about renewed interest in Maine for a Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, ferry terminal.
20) 0813.0534
[Gene Herrick Boxing Match]
News story dated 12/06/1968. // Footage of boxing match. // Portland boxer Gene Herrick fights in first bout.
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