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Mills and mill-work
20) 0811.0001
Tales of Wood and Water
Documentary program on Maine's contemporary wooden boat building and use. The video employs an episodic format. FOR REFERENCE ONLY. Cataloguing notes: Horses twitch logs in wint...
1) 0845.0001
Television: Birth of the Video God in Bangor
Bangor High School student's video term paper including interviews with Richard (Dick) Bronson, George Gonyar and Margo Cobb about beginnings of WLBZ TV and WABI TV. Also includ...
3) 1081.0001
['Birth of the Video God in Bangor' rough copy--interviews]
Note: compare with Acc. 0845.0002 (may be same)
35) 1101
Townsend Ice Cutting 1992 and Fitch[burg] Ice Cutting 1992
Program for 'Uncommon View,' a weekly series on Channel 36, Fitchburg, Mass. cable channel. Shows ice cutting demonstration by Phil Whitney in Fitchburg and Townsend, Mass.
2) 1127.0001
Nelson and Small Monitor TV
Dated July 12, 1994. VP Film & Tape production for S.T. Vreeland Agency. Includes NHF archival footage. Tape label says: 'Nelson & Small Monitor TV. 1. 'Monitor' 2. 'Hot Water H...
15) 1292.0001
Wild No More? The Last of the Maine Woods
Documentary about the effects of development on the Maine Woods, especially logging practices and ecological implications. Mission statement of The Wilderness Society, founded i...
1) 1296.0001
Modern Times in Maine & America: 1890-1930
'This video explores the growth of the paper industry and hydroelectric utilities; Maine's role in American expansionism; immigration and the decline of agriculture; urban probl...
24) 1300.0001
[Excerpts from Total Containment/S.D. Warren Productions]
VHS reference tape. Contains excerpts from two industrial promotional works. ONSITE REFERENCE ONLY. 'Total Containment, Jacket Application' was made for marketing purposes, to b...
2) 1367.0001
History is Always Being Made at Bucksport
Promotional video by and for Champion International Corporation. This production includes NHF archival footage from: Central Maine Power Collection (Bucksport mill construction)...
9) 1405
Promotional video for Cianbro, a construction-type company in Pittsfield established and operated by several brothers. Describes the company's history and current operations via...
18) 1457
GTE Hillsboro, Me.: People Who Care About Quality
1992 GTE production about an employee involvement program at the GTE Sylvania plant in Hillsboro, Me. NHF received two Beta SP tapes related to the production and one VHS 'selec...
17) 1461.0001
Maine's Television Time Machine
Broadcast version of Maine's Television Time Machine. // Created 01/02/1991. // General description: Selections from NHF's Bangor Historical Society/WABI Collection. Compiles WA...
27) 1463.0001
Ice Harvesting Sampler (Production Materials)
1991 NHF compilation of archival ice harvesting footage from several collections that date 1920s-1940s. 'This compilation shows newsreel and amateur footage of ice harvesting on...
28) 1463.0002
Ice Harvesting Sampler DISTRIBUTION MASTER
DISTRIBUTION MASTER. // 1994 NHF compilation with narration of archival ice harvesting footage from several collections that date 1920s-1940s. 'This compilation shows newsreel a...
1) 1510.0001
Bangor Hydroelectric Company: Really-History
Promotional tape for Bangor Hydroelectric Company. Includes NHF archival footage from BHS/WABI Collection, Everett Foster Collection, and Bangor Hydroelectric Company ('Basin C ...
19) 1528.0001
Bangor & Aroostook Railroad!
'The First 100 Years, 1891-1991. A unique documentary of an unforgettable era in Maine railroading.' ONSITE REFERENCE ONLY.
34) 1620
Inside Champion Volume 1 1994
Cassette title: An Interview with Andy Sigler
35) 1620
Inside Champion Volume 1 1993
Cassette title: An Interview with Andy Sigler
3) 1620
Inside Champion Volume 3 1993
Cassette titles: Customer Partnering Pays Off Managing Wildlife Paper Quality: We Guarantee It! Making a Difference: Bennie Driver
6) 1620
An Interview with Andy Sigler
Cassette title: An Interview with Andy Sigler
7) 1620
Inside Champion Volume 4 1993
Cassette titles: Courtland's No. 35 Machine Comes On-Line Pensacola's Middle School Partnership Recycling Yesterday's News in Sheldon
8) 1620
Inside Champion Volume 2 1993
Cassette titles: Roanoke Rapids Building a Better Box Timber Talk with Dick Porterfield Eye on Nationwide Papers
16) 1631.0001
Maine Turnpike Authority 50th Anniversary
Promotional tape for Maine Turnpike Authority. Includes NHF archival footage from BHS/WABI Collection (12 seconds from cat. nos. 1060-01 to 27 and 1061-01 to 24) and Everett Fos...
21) 1718
Inside Champion - Volume 2, 1992
Cassette label: 1. On the Front Line; 2. Where Trees Come From; 3. Sally's Heart.
10) 1718
Inside Champion - May 1990
Cassette title: Inside Champion - May 1990.
11) 1718
Inside Champion - June 1990
Cassette title: Inside Champion - June 1990.
10) 1718
Inside Champion - Volume 1, 1991
Cassette label: 1. Coping at Klickitat; 2. Bucksport Comeback; 3. Brenda Drake Profile.
25) 1718
Inside Champion - Volume 3, 1991
Cassette label: 1. Canton Warehouse /Redesign; 2. Dairpak Profile; 3. Softballmania! [sic]
14) 1718
Inside Champion - November 1990
Cassette title: Inside Champion - November 1990.
15) 1718
Inside Champion - Volume 4, 1992
Cassette label: 1. Deferiet Digs In; 2. International Champion; 3. Olympic Gold!
16) 1718
Inside Champion - Volume 1, 1992
Cassette label: 1. An Interview with Andy Sigler.
17) 1718
Inside Champion - January 1990
Cassette title: Inside Champion - January 1990.
31) 1718
Inside Champion - September 1990
Cassette title: Inside Champion - September 1990.
19) 1718
Inside Champion - Volume 4, 1991
Cassette label: 1. Safety in the Workplace; 2. Libby Superfund Cleanup; 3. Billboards R Us.
20) 1718
Inside Champion - February 1990
Cassette title: Inside Champion - February 1990.
13) 1807.004
[St. Regis Paper Co., 1948-1957]
Tape consists of video of stills with narration. Note from label: 'St. Regis Paper Col, 1948-1957, mills, logging, river driving, camps, Bucksport Mill, pulp wood, etc.'
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Bangor & Aroostook Railroad Collection (1)
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Environmental Media Collection (1)
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NHF Collection (4)
Rodrigues, Gerrick Collection (2)
VP Film & Tape Productions Collection (2)
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WCVB Collection (2)
Whitney, Philip Collection (1)
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