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Presidents--United States
Bangor Historical Society/WABI Collection
13) 0307 cat. 0005-01-WABI-57
Eisenhower Speaks at Dow AFB, Bangor
Bangor: Eisenhower gives a short speech and receives a fly rod as a gift. Shots of Eisenhower, Air Force 1 airplane on the ground and departure. Ref. 300.
9) 0307 cat. 0005-05-WABI
John F. Kennedy in Bangor
Bangor: JFK's plane lands at Bangor airport (Dow Field) and he deplanes. Shots of JFK riding with three other men in a convertible in Bangor streets. Crowd cheers.
4) 0307 cat. 1001-02-WABI-55
President Dwight Eisenhower at Dow Air Force Base
Eisenhower refueling including landing strip and airplane, Ike talking with two officers.
10) 0307 cat. 1001-08-WABI-53
First Salmon to Dwight D. Eisenhower
Washington, D.C.: Presentation of year's first salmon by Walter D. to President Eisenhower including the pair in the Oval Office, outside the White House, the Capitol, and other...
15) 0308 cat. 0007-01-WABI-60
Hume Cronyn
Hume Cronyn is interviewed at the Bangor airport, Northeast Airlines. He is asked about his part in the film 'Sunrise at Campobello.' He comments on Roosevelt, his part. Ref. 300.
12) 0313 cat. 0009-03-WABI-59
Interview with Charles K. Wharton (?)
Interview with Charles K. Wharton (?), legislative assistant to Vice President Nixon about policy with Russia. Issues are the steel dispute and strike, legislation about TV show...
19) 0321 cat.0014-05-WABI-60
Nixon in Bangor
Bangor: Dick and Pat Nixon presidential campaign stop. Boarding and arrival of their incoming plane, then boarding and departure of their outgoing plane. Speech at reception hal...
5) 0324 cat. 0016-10-WABI-60
Republican State Convention
Bangor: Republican State Convention at Bangor Auditorium. Reed giving speech, onstage with his wife, with family in car. Also crowds, representatives marching with signs, audito...
32) 0324 cat. 1008-05-WABI-60
Highway Safety Message
Memorial Day message including Iwo Jima statue, family packing for picnic and driving in convertible.
31) 0357 cat. 0048-24-WABI-62
Bangor: Families tour WABI.
69) 0375 cat. 0073-01-WABI-63
John F. Kennedy at UMaine
Empty football stadium at University of Maine, Orono fills with people. President John F. Kennedy arrives by helicopter and is escorted to the platform on the football field. LS...
43) 0375 cat. 0073-01-WABI-63
John F. Kennedy at UMaine
Empty football stadium at University of Maine, Orono fills with people. President John F. Kennedy arrives by helicopter and is escorted to the platform on the football field. LS...
5) 0375 cat. 0074-01-WABI-63
John F. Kennedy at UMaine
President John F. Kennedy is given an honorary degree at University of Maine, Orono homecoming weekend. Arrives at UM by helicopter as crowds cheer from football field. JFK wear...
8) 0375 cat. 0074-01-WABI-63
John F. Kennedy at UMaine
President John F. Kennedy is given an honorary degree at University of Maine, Orono homecoming weekend. Arrives at UM by helicopter as crowds cheer from football field. JFK wear...
17) 0375 cat. 0075-01-WABI-63
[JFK at UMaine]
President John F. Kennedy boards Air Force One to depart from University of Maine, Orono campus. Shots include JFK in a LS, plane taxi onto runway and takeoff. A short speech by...
10) 0375 cat. 0075-01-WABI-63
John F. Kennedy at UMaine
President John F. Kennedy boards Air Force 1 to depart fromUniversity of Maine, Orono campus. Shots include JFK in a LS, plane taxi onto runway and takeoff. A short speech by Se...
32) 0376 cat. 0072-18-WABI-63
John F. Kennedy Assassinated, Interviews
Bangor: People on the street are interviewed after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Students, including a 16 year old, Roger Clifford, who is thankful to live in ...;People on the street are interviewed after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy; an unidentified man says the world is going to suffer a great loss; a younger man talk...
17) 0381 cat. 0063-17-WABI-63
Congressman McIntire
Congressman McIntire criticizes the President's tax proposal and comments on the Democrats and Republicans proposals.
22) 0384 cat. 0072-15-WABI-63
Stewart Udall
Stewart Udall speaks to Senator McIntire and other Maine political officials on a project that President Kennedy has initiated.
26) 0385 cat. 0068-03-WABI-63
Preparations for John F. Kennedy at Univ. of Maine and Dow Air Force Base
Preparation for arrival of JFK at base and at UM. Shots of WABI setting up equipment, football field, helicopters coming.
20) 0388 cat. 1028-03-WABI-63
Bernstein on Nixon
Mr. Bernstein interview. He is asked how and why he wants to draft Richard Nixon for Maine senator. Bernstein blames a weak president. Shots include Bernstein and interviewer in...
67) 0394 cat. 0066-01-WABI-60
Vinalhaven Ferry
Vinalhaven: Dedication ceremony of the Everett Libby ferry. Shots include view of coast from ferry and Senator Edmund Muskie as passenger. Lobster bake attended by Muskie with f...
7) 0396 cat. 0072-20-WABI-64
Interview with Congressman McIntire in which he states that he will support Barry Goldwater for president if Senator Margaret Chase Smith is not nominated by the Republicans.
11) 0396 cat. 1031-01-WABI-64
James Meredith at University of Maine
Interview with James Meredith regarding Civil Rights movement, including his role, and President Lyndon Johnson's policy.
27) 0407 cat. 0076-08-WABI-64
Nelle Penley Retirement
Penley interview regarding her career, presidents she met, retirement.
30) 0410 cat. 0082-01-WABI-64
Opinion -- Women Presidents
Interviews with people regarding New Hampshire primary and whether Margaret Chase Smith should or could win presidency.
13) 0412 cat. 0084-02-WABI-64
Pepsi Winner at Shop 'n Save
Contest winner's prize of shopping spree including her running down aisles, holding armloads of items, her family, her food being rung up, the final total of $324.49.
30) 0413 cat. 0085-07-WABI-64
Interview with three people regarding their predictions on the outcome of the presidential election. Two think Lyndon Johnson will win, and one thinks Barry Goldwater will win. ...
23) 0419 cat. 0091-02-WABI-55?
President Dwight Eisenhower Refuels at Dow Air Force Base
Refueling of Eisenhower's jet including his deplaning and talking with the base commander, his plane landing and taking off, LS and MLS of him talking with officers and young wo...
36) 0425 cat. 1038-09-WABI-64
Interview with man on the street William Marley in which he predicts Lyndon B. Johnson will win upcoming presidential election.
28) 0425 cat. 1038-10-WABI-64
Interview with man on the street Harry Robinson regarding his predictions for upcoming presidential race, his hopes for Goldwater, which parts of country will vote for which can...
3) 0425 cat. 1039-02-WABI-64
Interview with man on the street Charles Groddin; he predicts that Lyndon B. Johnson will be re-elected because of split and deadwood in the Republican party.
24) 0432 cat. 1045-03-WABI-65
Freshman Orientation
Orono: Freshmen and parents arrive at University of Maine, registration tables, library, gym.
25) 0432 cat. 1045-04-WABI-65
Pittsfield Kiwanis Fair
Pittsfield: Fair and parade including marchers, horseback riders, children, parents.
33) 0435 cat. 1042-01-WABI-65
Monteux Remembered
An hour-long tribute to the musician and conductor Pierre Monteux filmed at his home in Winterhaven, Hancock County; Dick Bronson meets Doris, Monteux's wife, in her flower gard...
24) 0446 cat. 1049-01-WABI-66
Virginia Graham Interview
Interview with Woman of the Year Virginia Graham regarding her experiences as an author, actress, mother, grandmother, her education, youth, morals, and talk show called 'Girl T...
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