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1) 2716.0471
Good Day - #4294; Frank Avruch; D. Marcel Kinsbourne; Dr. Ralph Earle; Janet Manley; Janice Bielot; Michael Hugo
#4294; DPT and MMR shot risks are discussed with guests Janet Manley, Janice Bielot, Marcel Kinsbourne and Michael Hugo; there is a visit to Boston City Hospital because of conc...;Credits: Produced by: Karen Melamed; Directed by: Donna Hennessey; Assistant Program Producer: Faith Sutter; Unit Manager: Mary Ellen Hayes; Associate Producers: Linda Adler, Bo...
25) 2716.0211
Master; Cityline; X1020;CityLine; Athletes, who want to remain in sports as other kind of careers become available besides pro competitors, are interviewed; business and coaching are the areas that are...;Credits: Produced by: Karen Holmes Ward; Directed by: Donna Hennessey; Associate Producer: Laura Brown; Assistant Director: Frank Firnschild; Technical Director: Bayard W. Peabo...
3) 2386.0003
[Nashua, NH Films] Reel 3
Several shots of the exterior of Crotched Mountain Center. Footage of the interior including the auditorium and the sleeping chambers for both older children and infants. A fe...
4) 2359.0014
[Advertisement Compilation]
Label on tape: 'Sales Demo 14.' // Compilation of southern Maine advertisements. WCSH countdown at beginning indicates that tape may have been made by WCSH. Date from paperwork ...
67) 1949.0001
[Lauren K. Woods—home movies] Reel 1
View of grandstand at the Skowhegan Fair in Maine. CUs of faces. Harness racing, women dancing on stage, juggler with rings, circus animals (camel, elephant on stage doing tri...
10) 1504.0010
[Maurice Venno--home movies] Reel 10
Box/can notes: 'Birth and early days of Paul Venno, Kingston NY, May 3, 1941.' // 1951 and 1952 edge codes on film. // Kingston Hospital. New baby.
1035) 1311.0002
[Helen V. Bird--home movies] Reel 2
No. I. Sept 1942. Quincy, MA & Chester, NH. Janice [being brought home from Quincy City Hospital after she was born];Sept 1942. Quincy Mass & Quincy City Hospital. Shots of car being cleaned. (05:49) Shot of hospital. (06:22) Baby being brought from hospital. (05:58) To car to home. (06:33...;Two men seated at a table, talking. A man cleaning a car windshield. A woman waves at the camera. A woman leaving the hospital with a baby (Janice Smith). Shots of buildings. A ...
1) 1307.0002
[Herbert Kenney--home movies] Reel 002
Collection formerly called 'Seavey Collection' Amateur footage of family scenes. Can notes are as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned): 2. Emma at Dixmont. Don. Bea, and Emma...
9) 1284
The Big Light
Filmed for Massachusetts Blue Cross Hospital Plans. Shot on location at Frisbee Memorial Hospital, Rochester, NH, and Deaconess Pavilion O.R., Boston, MA.
26) 1140.3417
[Saint Joseph Hospital]
Exterior of hospital. Footage of patient in bed. Interview with nurse about beds and risk of infection. Footage of operating rooms, surgery at Saint Joseph Hospital.
12) 1140.3117
[Hospital Association on Costs]
Maine Hospital Association officials discuss healthcare costs, conservation of hospital funds.
12) 1140.2486
[Blue Hill Memorial Hospital]
Blue Hill Memorial Hospital announces students from Brown University Medical School will be doing a six-week community medicine elective at the hospital. Interview with Dean of ...
2) 1140.0834
[EMMC Abortion Policy]
Report on abortion procedure at Eastern Maine Medical Center. Hospital will perform abortions under general operating conditions.
14) 1140.0470
[St. Joseph Hospital Tour]
Children tour St. Joseph Hospital.
32) 1140.0467
[Bob Denver Visits EMMC]
Bob Denver (Gilligan) tours the pediatric ward of Eastern Maine Medical Center. Interview with Denver about his recent move to Maine and future acting roles.
12) 1140.0362
[Waterville Hospitals Merge]
Exterior of Thayer Hospital and Seton Hospital. Two hospitals will consolidate services. Interview with Doctor Beaupre (sp?) about the benefits of consolidation, including incre...
36) 1140.0334
[Penobscot Bay Medical Center]
Construction of Penobscot Bay Medical Center in Rockport is ahead of schedule. Executive Director Wheeler speaks about services that the Center will offer to the midcoast region.
18) 0813.0675
[Defibrillator Demonstration]
Silent footage of the interior of a hospital room, lined with mechanical equipment; a patient lying in bed is attended to by a nurse; an unidentified man illustrates how to use ...
28) 0813.0632
[New MMC Wing Opens]
An unidentified group of men shake hands over the opening of the new wing at Maine Medical Center; a round of applause from full room of well-wishers; an unidentified man speaks...
30) 0729.0074
[Hospital & Portland Scenes]
Date from edge code on film. // Miscellaneous footage. Announcer at soundboard reading into microphone, adjusts knobs. Exterior of school? Nurse at work, hospital call button be...
4) 0720 cat. 5431-12-WCSH-82
York Hospital Heimlich Teaching
No description available
28) 0456 cat. 1072-09-WABI-67
EMGH Auxiliary Fashion Show
Women sitting at long table. Woman and fur coat and hat walking away from camera. Women sitting at tables. Woman in dark coat and hat walks, stops, walks away. Women at tables. ...
24) 0453 cat. 1068-03-WABI-67
Knox City Hospital Day at the Samoset
Large house or hotel. Group of women with Christmas decorations for Knox Hospital Benefit sale. Christmas articles and clothes. Women talking.
31) 0450 cat. 1056-08-WABI-67
Medical Center Dedicated at Thayer Hospital in Waterville
Waterville: People sitting listening to speaker.
56) 0432 cat. 1041-12-WABI-65
New Antenna at Hospital
Erection of hospital antenna including men hanging from it, men working at its base.
21) 0430 cat. 1039-07-WABI-64
Bangor City Hospital
Bangor City Hospital tour including exterior, patients watching television, nurses with a woman in therapy, the cafeteria, a patient in the corridor, another being helped, and a...
50) 0408 cat. 0078-03-WABI-64
CD Field Hospital
Reporter and hospital adminstrator tour Civil Defense Field Hospital.
44) 0398 cat. 1035-10-WABI-64
Civil Defense Hospital
Reporter and hospital administrator's tour of civil defense hospital including operating room and x-ray machine.
33) 0381 cat. 0063-18-WABI-63
Construction in Bangor
Bangor: Early construction of St. Joseph's Hospital including the steel framework, a bucket loader digging, dump trucks, the construction sign, the river.
17) 0380 cat. 0062-18-WABI-63
Sebasticook Valley Hospital
Dedication ceremony including Reed speaking and cutting ribbon, and a tour of the rooms and facilities.
4) 0378 cat. 0061-14-WABI-63
St. Joseph's Hospital Construction
Construction including highway, men with equipment, construction sign, men working.
35) 0374 cat. 1026-07-WABI-62
Osteopathic Hospital
Tour of James A. Taylor Hospital's new wing including patient rooms, lobby, cafeteria, scale model, sign.
25) 0364 cat. 0050-14-WABI-62
St. Joseph's Hospital Groundbreaking
Groundbreaking including nuns and priests at blessing of site, speeches by priests and others, incense ceremony.
35) 0364 cat. 0050-13-WABI-62
Bozo at Lincoln
Lincoln: Bozo's entertaining of children including his running entrance, CU speaking at microphone, at Lincoln Hospital with child patients, in front of Workman Hospital, and wi...
31) 0363 cat. 0044-12-WABI-62
Osteopathic Hospital
Tour of the new wing of the James A. Taylor Osteopathic Hospital. Sign, patient rooms, lobby, cafeteria, scale model.
31) 0357 cat. 1022-03-WABI-62
Polio--EMG Hospital
Press conference in which man speaks to reporters.
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