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6) 0142
[Interview with Joseph Millett]
35 tapes from Acc. 0140-0142 moved from Blue Hill to NHF, 7/2002. Individual tapes identified when possible, otherwise labeled '0140-0142'. Filmed conversation with Joseph Mille...
6) 0684.0001-.0003
[unedited footage of Acadian interviews, cookery, and festival]
Unedited footage including interviews with Acadians, focusing on their daily lives, customs, food, music and dance. Original footage is 1/2-inch open reel videotape. From donor'...
3) 0715.0082
New England Christmas, A
Label on can: 'A New England XMas Answer Print #2.' //; A man reminisces about past Christmases as he visits various locations in a Maine village. His thoughts appear in Sepia-colored imagery as each site triggers memories. // Locat...
28) 0830.001
[WCBB] Investigative Report [Pipeline]
[NHF Reel 1] Canadian National Archives cataloguer's notes for [WCBB] Investigative Report, 9/23/98 WO: The host of this 'expose' investigative report, approaches the subject of...
17) 0896.PC1
To Kayak
To Kayak (1975) describes the history of kayaking, types of boats, paddles, safety equipment and kayaking techniques, and includes scenes of slalom and whitewater kayak racing.
3) 0952.0142
New England Christmas, A
A man reminisces about past Christmases as he visits various locations in a Maine village. His thoughts appear in Sepia-colored imagery as each site triggers memories. // Locati...
11) 0952.0354
New England Christmas, A
A man reminisces about past Christmases as he visits various locations in a Maine village. His thoughts appear in Sepia-colored imagery as each site triggers memories. // Locati...
25) 0952.0355
New England Christmas, A
A man reminisces about past Christmases as he visits various locations in a Maine village. His thoughts appear in Sepia-colored imagery as each site triggers memories. // Locati...
9) 1000.0004
Christmas in Boston
'Christmas in Boston.';Title card: ‘Christmas in Boston’. Shot of wreaths and Christmas trees. A Christmas tree made of lights on top of a building. ‘Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town’ plays. People on th...
4) 1108.0167-.0169
[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reels 167-169
Archie Stewart can notes: Reel 167 Kids to camp 17 Aug - 1 Sept 1971. Sept trip to camp. 19 Sept-30 Sept November trip 6 Nov-21 Nov. MWS & TAS spend Xmas at 388. Take new Je...
23) 1108.0170-.0172
[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reels 170-172
Archie Stewart can notes: Reel 170 Maharay's camp 12 Oct 1973. Abby's foot race 21 Oct 1973. Camp, via Bedford 2-18 Nov 1973. Trip California 16 Jan-21 Feb 1974. EA's kite, visi...
13) 1140.2476
[Christmas School Display]
Christmas display at a Bangor school. Peter Henderson reports.
33) 1140.2492
[Geodesic Dome Christmas Party]
Geodesic Dome is the site of a Christmas party.
26) 1140.2521
[Airplane Spots Santa Claus]
Pilot in airplane cockpit reports seeing Santa Claus flying with his reindeer and sleigh. Tongue-in-cheek report by Bill Green.
9) 1196
[Shaw--home movies]
Videotape copy of nine Shaw family home movies. (Segment #1 is Brady Gang segment described in separate ProCite record.) 2. Civil Rights Parade, Bangor, Main St. Dated early 196...
9) 1323.0006
[Philip Thompson--home movies] Reel 6
Can notes: 'Eastern Prom--Portland West Side--Fort Georges--Eastern Prom--Farmers Market--Congress & 8th. 1972.' // Panoramic views of Portland shot from vehicle. Winter views o...
30) 1323.0008
[Philip Thompson--home movies] Reel 8
NHF cataloguer's notes for Reel 8 as follows. Notations received with films are in quotes. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. Reel 8: 'Giant puppet parade Portland--Boston Commons--...
25) 1323.0009
[Philip Thompson--home movies] Reel 009
NHF cataloguer's notes for Reel 9 as follows. Notations received with films are in quotes. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. Reel 9: 'Shoestring Theatre workshop. Giant puppet para...
36) 1445.0003
['To Kayak' videotape masters]
Two videotape masters of 1975 Peg Dice production 'To Kayak,' a history of kayaking, types of boats, paddles, safety equipment and kayaking techniques, with scenes of slalom and...
35) 1490.PC7
[NHF compilation: Promo Reels 9 and 11]
1988 NHF compilation tape of news stories from BHS/WABI Collection. Tapecontains: Promo Reel 9 (all sof): 1. Maine woman in Miss America Pageant, [], dated 9/10/64 2....
19) 1567.0013B
[Gray Senior Citizens' Christmas Party]
On tape with 1567.0013A. // // Label on tape: 'Hallowell Geese (Dominic Blodgett) / Gray Senior Citizens Xmas Party.' '4:25 / 5:25.' Additional labeling on tape for cut 2: '1. M...
20) 1567.0015B
[Christmas Eve PP&T Party]
On tape with 1567.0015A. // Christmas Eve party at the home of WCSH cameraman Barry Atwood in North Gorham. Christmas tree is decorated with numerous ornaments. Brief shot of WC...
26) 1695.0009a
[Joanne Swift--home movies] Reel 9A
Two women, a group of children, and a dog playing next to a decorated Christmas tree. A toddler hands a camera to a man. The toddler sitting at a piano. Children and the dog pla...
27) 1695.0010
[Joanne Swift--home movies] Reel 10
A woman, a girl, and a dog playing next to a Christmas tree. A dog sitting in an armchair. Children opening Christmas gifts. People sitting around a large table. A girl riding a...
28) 1713.0006
[William Stone--home movies] Reel 6
1969 edge code on film. // Can note: '1969-1970. 1969, Thanksgiving. Christmas. Spring, 1970, Michelle birthday. Chantal christening.'
30) 1713.0008
[William Stone--home movies] Reel 8
1969, 1970 edge codes on film. // Can note: '1970-1971. Summer, 1970, August, Serge & Raymond on boat and beach. Chantal first birthday. Thanksgiving. Christmas. 1971, Spring.'
9) 1713.0009
[William Stone--home movies] Reel 9
1971, 1972 edge codes on film. // Can note: '1971-1972. Summer, 1971. Terace [sic?], Carol, Mary. Jean [Charl?]. Chantal 2nd birthday. Christmas. Canada, 1972. Skidoo. Summer, 1...
33) 1713.0011
[William Stone--home movies] Reel 11
1972 edge code on film. // Can note: '1972-1973. Christmas, 1972. Quebec. Ottawa. Summer, 1973. Michelle's birthday. Terace & Clement. Charly [Girlaine.? Cartsin?]. Lilly. Evau,...
35) 1713.0013
[William Stone--home movies] Reel 13
1975 edge code on film. // Can note: '1975-1976. Christmas skating on pond across tracks. 1976 Spring. Tall Ships.'
35) 1713.0014
[William Stone--home movies] Reel 14
1976, 1977 edge codes on film. // Can note: '1976-1977. December, 1976, Christmas. 1977 February storm. Jeffrey, Michelle, Chantal skating in back. Michelle birthday. Jeffrey bi...
36) 1713.0015
[William Stone--home movies] Reel 15
1977, 1978, 1979 edge codes on film. // Can note: '1978-1981. 1978 skating in back with Amy Jane. February blizzard. Christmas. 1979 skating in Canada with Odette. At Jean's hou...
8) 1734.0001
[Laura Nickerson--home movies] Reel 1
Adults and children playing in a field. A woman washing dishes. A man building a shelf. Children opening Christmas gifts. Shot of the Christmas tree, gifts and television. Dark ...
13) 1861.0005
[Nancy Hohmann--home movies] Reel 5
Title from label on original film reel: 'Christmas, 1974.';Sign: 'Christmas 1974.' Dark shot of Christmas tree, presents, stockings; toddler, dog, man and baby come into room; toddler sitting on toy American Airlines airplane; baby in c...
14) 1861.0010
[Nancy Hohmann--home movies] Reel 10
Title from label on original film reel: 'Christmas, 1975.';Little boys opening gifts, playing with toys; adults, dog in front of fire; little boy playing with bow; baby and older man playing with blocks; kids playing; blocks spelling 't...
15) 1861.0011
[Nancy Hohmann--home movies] Reel 11
Title from label on original film reel: 'Christmas, 1975 #2.';Family in yard, little boy pulling toy truck; at water's edge, boy pulling toy boat; car ferry, boy on deck pulling toy truck; mailbox in snow; snowy landscape, house, boy pulli...
16) 1861.0017
[Nancy Hohmann--home movies] Reel 17
Title from label on original film reel: 'Christmas, 1976.' // On reel with Reels 15-16, 18-21.;Sign: 'Christmas '76 VT'; dark shot of Christmas tree, presents, kids coming down stairs; man handing out stockings; getting gifts out of stockings; opening and playing with pre...
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