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23) 0252.0105
[Howard Kane--home movies] Reel 105
NHF notes as follows. Can/reel/box annotations appear in quotes. Reel 105: (100 ft., dc 1928? 'develop before Apr 1942') 'Fish 3.' B&w. men pitching horseshoes. Parade of nurses...
19) 0669.0001
King Spruce
Logging film including axe sharpening, chopping trees, horse pulling logs, Lombard log hauler, rolling logs with Peaveys, men going to lunch, cutting ice, bulldozer, boat, boom,...
2) 0714.0001
[Edward P. Arbo--home movies] Long Log Drive
Long log drive, East Branch of the Pleasant River. Views of men on river pushing logs into stream, falling into water, batteaus.
1) 0751.0018
[Wilbur Senter--home movies] Reel 18
Amateur footage. Can notes (quoted) and reel notes as follows; reel numbers are NHF-assigned. Reel 18: 'Circus and ski jumping reel.' Robbins Brothers Circus. National Ski J...
9) 0759.0023
[Margaret Cummings Bean--home movies] Reel 23
Hunting party on Pinnacle, Helen Peaco, Peter Laban, racing on ice by Outpost.;Three men, one with a fox skin around his shoulders. People and dogs outdoors. Deer, a raccoon and a fox hanging from a barn. Shots of various men. Dogs. Men with guns. Dead ani...
10) 0762.0026
[Edward M. Graham, Sr.--home movies] Reel 26
Home movies of fishing and hunting in Maine. NHF cataloguer's notes below. (Reel notes from donor are in brackets; reel numbers are donor-assigned.) Reel 26: [Square Lake. Troll...
14) 0762.0028
[Edward M. Graham, Sr.--home movies] Reel 28
Men walking through woods with paddles and packs. Man in water standing in canoe. Women in hat and scarf on shore sharing drinks and jokes with men. CU of man smiling and smokin...;Home movies of fishing and hunting in Maine. NHF cataloguer's notes below. (Reel notes from donor are in brackets; reel numbers are donor-assigned.) Reel 28: [Moosehead Lake 193...
28) 0763.0001
[Ernest Broadbent--home movies]
NHF viewing notes with donor's explanations in quotes: Segment 1: (col., 2 min.) Man and dog. Family playing with dog. 'Friends getting together at a friend's cottage in Dennisp...
1) 0803.0005
[Harold B. Neal--home movies] Reel 5
Original title from donor for Reel 5: 'Begins with Frankenstein Ledges in the fall, Dorcas as drum major (Needham, Ma.) Oct. 12 trip, winter)' NHF cataloguer's notes, 1/96 for R...
1) 0836.0002
[Log Rolling Contest]
Donor's titles in quotes: 'Fireman's Convention at the Balsams, 1944.' // Box captions: 'Br. Co. log roller.' // Title card reads: '22nd Annual Conference, New England Associati...
28) 0964.0004
[unidentified--home movies]
NHF cataloguer's notes, 11/94: (2 min.) Wood yard. Lumber being moved around with cranes and trucks. (14 min.) Amateur rodeo, large gathering. Children running race and playing ...;From Facebook: Names of the ladies in the Queen's Court in the parade. Left front: Paula Eldridge, 2nd one up on the left is Rebecca (Gross) Gray. She was from Castine. Dana ...
1) 1108.0012
[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 012
NHF cataloguer's notes: Reel 12 Screening notes: Mary, Ann and Robert Cote (Powelton Club lifeguard) posing in swimsuits beside stone wall. Swimming race, watched by young boys...;Reel 12: Combination Mary & Ann's reel. 'Mary the Chink.' Ann in costume. Skating 8th tee, 1940. Snow house, 1940. Horse backing 1940. Rob at Bloomer's watching horse backin...
8) 1108.0029
[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 029
NHF cataloguer's notes, 4/96: Reel 29: Screening notes: Children in and around swimming pool. Wrestling in water with inflated toy. Pan of well dressed crowd at swimming meet. ...;Archie Stewart can notes: Mary Sr's reel. Swimming 1933. Wellesley 1934. Swimming 1934. Tennis 1937. Wellesley 1939. Mary's 15 [birthday], 20 October 1938. Costume Dec 1948. Goo...
12) 1164.0022
[Cameron Bradley--home movies] Reel V
Amateur footage. Family's viewing notes as follows (reel titles in quotes are based on can/box notes, reel letters are NHF-assigned.) V. 'CB, Old Cars 1940.' Scenes of antique c...
15) 1202.0001 cat.5044-03-HINK-40
[Scenes at Hinckley School for Boys]
Farming scenes with tractor and various machinery. Boys pick and bag potatoes. Truck picks boys up. Sheep farming with lambs, ewes; sheep herding, chicken farming with CU's of c...
1) 1382.0012
[John A. Stone--home movies] Reel 012
Donor's notes as follows: Reel 12: House in Orleans, Cape Cod ca.1950. 4th of July parade--Orleans MA ca.1951. Tim and Johnny in sailboat in parade. Town Cove, Orleans MA sailbo...
5) 1397.0001
Rapid River Races
Title in first frames: 'National White Water Championships held at Rapid River, Middle Dam, Maine, September 1940.' Can/reel notes: film no. 706.41; 'Raygram Corp., property USA...;Rapid River Races (Silent) (Color) Rapid River Races (Silent) 706.41 Rapid River Races;Title: ‘“National White Water Championships held at Rapid River, Middledam, Maine, September 1940.”’ People paddle kayaks/foldboats across Lower Richardson Lake. Racers wearing ...
110) 1531.0003
[Bos--home movies] Reel 3
Amateur footage of family activities. Can notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. Reel 3: [date code 1946] Seaplane at Star Island. Albany, horses plowing, apple trees....
18) 1612.0026
[Chute Homestead—home movies] Reel 26
Footage of a parade of boy scouts, including a few groups of marching soldiers and marching bands. Footage of workers at the Civilian Conservation Corps camp in Bridgton, ME, c...;Notes on can: “Accent on Youth” “Camporee at Norway - ris [sic] 1940 CCC Camp Boys Climb Schools Education Week”
13) 1682.0001
Home in Lansdowne, PA, and New York visit--Robert Hoadley Whipple--home movies. Reel 1
Black-and-white home movie including scenes of the Whipple family at home in Lansdowne, PA, their dog, Jack, and a trip to New York.;On can: "House, Jack, New York";Whipple home on Congress Avenue, Lansdowne, Pennsylvania. Views of car parked on street and of the house and yard from different angles. The family dog, Jack, is seen on the s...
140) 1823.0005
Miscellaneous [Elizabeth Woodman Wright--home movies] Reel 5
Label on box: 'Niagara Falls' Date from edge code.;Top of Niagara Falls. Bottom of the falls. Pheasants. Wider shots of the falls. Panning across the falls. Top of the falls. The cloud of mist at the bottom of the falls. Shots o...
17) 2114.0008
[Everett Greaton--home movies] Reel 8, Accession 2114
Footage of a fair, including shots of the crowd, various rides, attractions and booths and girls buying cotton candy. Footage of a carriage horse race, including jugglers, an a...;Donor Notes: “Farmington Fair/ Ted Williams at Maranacook Parade-Potato Blossom Festival - Gorgeous floats”;Notes on can: “Farmington Fair, Fryeburg Fair, Ted Williams, Potato Blossom”
4) 2114.0018
Making of a Shooter (Reel 2), Accession 2114
Making of a Shooter (Reel 2) is the second reel of a rifle safety film. This reel is about a girl named Mary who competes in the National Rifle Matches at Camp Perry in Port Cl...
24) 2114.0029
[Everett Greaton--home movies] Reel 29, Accession 2114
Footage of men fly fishing in a river, including leaving a house, driving, putting together their fishing rods and lures, reeling in fish and showing off their catch of salmon. ...
20) 2114.0030
[Everett Greaton--home movies] Reel 30, Accession 2114
Footage of the Poland Springs Winter Beauty Contest, including women riding in a large, horse drawn sleigh through the snowy roads, exiting the sleigh with their skis, posing an...
17) 2114.0031
[Everett Greaton--home movies] Reel 31, Accession 2114
Footage of potato fields, including farmers on tractors plowing the field and spraying the crops and fields of potato blossom flowers. Footage of the Maine Potato Blossom Queen...
11) 2114.0034
[Everett Greaton--home movies] Reel 34, Accession 2114
Footage of twins of all ages, including Governor Horace A. Hildreth and his twin brother, interacting and posing for cameramen. All twins are wearing yellow ribbons. The foota...
17) 2114.0071
[Everett Greaton--home movies] Reel 71, Accession 2114
Intertitles: “Maine, the Land of Remembered Vacations” “Official State Picture Maine Development Commission State House Augusta, Maine.” ““And first I will tell you that the ver...
29) 2167.0029
West Point--King Family--home movies. Reel 29
Date from edge code on film. // Label on can: 'West Point.' // Reel begins with Castle Films News Parade reel about United States Military Academy. Second portion of reel is ama...;Castle Films News Parade, "West Point Symbol of Our Army," 1943. Silent version with intertitles. Followed by amateur color film, marching soldiers at West Point. View of...
11) 2491.0009
[Clayton P. Hodgkin--home movies] Reel 9, Accession 2491
Brian and Douglas Hodgkin riding bicycles and Keith Hodgkin riding a tricycle. A boy running with a puppy. A boy dragging a toy. People standing near a house. The Hodgkin fa...
3) 2524.0007
[Philip W. Hussey--home movies] Reel 7, Accession 2524
Shot of young boy skiing down hill, boy and girl come down the hill followed by youngest of the two boys. Shots of boy falling (repeating, consecutive shots of repeating, conse...
10) 2524.0010
[Philip W. Hussey--home movies] Reel 10, Accession 2524
Ice skating at an indoor rink. Large ship chimney/smoke stack City of Birmingham sign on board. Various shots of smaller boats on water from large ship. Dark footage of woman...
22) 2525.0005
[Philip W. Hussey--home movies] Reel 5, Accession 2525
Can note: “No 26 – News 1941” Reel note: “Events About Town ’44 + ‘45” Boys ski. Tall grass pokes up through snow. Appears to be a back yard or field near homes. Several boy...
7) 2526.0002
[Philip W. Hussey--home movies] Reel 2, Accession 2526
Can notes: “’Family Affairs’; Bill + Pete in Scout Uniforms; Marion + Peter Fly To New York; Edith Taylor Gets Married; Kids Halloween Party in Basement; Marion has a Birthday; ...
34) 2526.0010
[Philip W. Hussey--home movies] Reel 10, Accession 2526
Intertitle: "Caribbean Cruise 1949 Reel No. 1 Aboard the S. S. Nieuw Amsterdam of the Holland-America Line. Sailed from New York March 11, 1949 with 850 Passengers including Ma...
36) 2925.0025
[Reid Family--home movies] Reel 25
West 1941;3 Snake R Langon, Glacier Park, Banff, Bannff-Jasper, 1941;Mountains. A river. A switchback road down the side of a mountain. Panning shots of mountains. Men on horseback. A man seated on a porch by a lake, feeding a squirrel. Saint Mar...
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