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1) 0143/0144.0020
[Robert M. Hume, Sr.--home movies]. Reel 20: Christmas
Box notes: 'Orono Xmas 1949. Bob III & Bill.' NHF cataloguer's notes: Christmas: tree, presents, children.
10) 0669.0001
King Spruce
Logging film including axe sharpening, chopping trees, horse pulling logs, Lombard log hauler, rolling logs with Peaveys, men going to lunch, cutting ice, bulldozer, boat, boom,...
29) 0714.0001
[Edward P. Arbo--home movies] Long Log Drive
Long log drive, East Branch of the Pleasant River. Views of men on river pushing logs into stream, falling into water, batteaus.
2) 0749.0001
Maine scenes and New York trip, circa 1940--Vernard I. Pierce--home movies
Home movies shot by Vernard Price of 1940 travels to New York City, the Caratunk, Maine, Centennial Parade, and his logging operations in the woods near Bingham, Maine.;New York City, 1940. Reel opens with scenes of cars, taxis, and buses seen from above a busy street. Globe. Good footage of many neon and animated signs around Times Square, ...
25) 0759.0013
[Margaret Cummings Bean--home movies] Reel 13
Christmas lights, horses, low water, horses, cars on ice, pung, Janet, Christine in snow (about 6 years old), Agassiz.;A covered bridge. A Christmas tree covered with lights. A girl and a dog in the snow. Horses and people in the snow. Horses and trucks on the ice. A horse drawn sleigh. Children...
16) 0806.0001
[John Murphy--home movies] Tape 1
NHF notes, 1991: Tape 1 contents (no clear divisions between 'reels' on the tape): Reel 1A Maine 1941-1953. Reel 1B: J.H. Murphy & Assoc. spring 1957 to December 1958. Reel 1C: ...
66) 0836.0002
[Log Rolling Contest]
Donor's titles in quotes: 'Fireman's Convention at the Balsams, 1944.' // Box captions: 'Br. Co. log roller.' // Title card reads: '22nd Annual Conference, New England Associati...
72) 0836.0004
[Protect Young Growth Titles]
Donor's titles in quotes: 'Experimental film on Process work with Brown Company Woods 'Seal', Save the Young Growth, etc., 1949.' // Box captions: 'Work done on notes of June 7 ...
18) 0836.0024
[Pulpwood for Today and Tomorrow--negative]
Title on film: 'Pulpwood for Today and Tomorrow.' // Negative with optical soundtrack. // 1946 date code on film. // Edge damage at head and tail needs repair.
21) 0836.0025
[Your Cord of Wood--picture negative]
Title on film: 'Your Cord of Wood.' // This is a silent pic negative. // Transferred at 15 fps. // 1945 date code on film. // Formerly labeled 'Reel 26.'
23) 0836.0026
[Your Cord of Wood--soundtrack]
Optical sound track for 'Your Cord of Wood.' // 1948 date code on film. // Formerly called 'Reel 27.'
27) 0836.0027
Your Cord of Wood
Title on film: 'Your Cord of Wood.' // Box captions: 'Sound (trial) version 1948.' // Optical soundtrack. // Formerly called 'Reel 25.'
26) 0836.0029
King Spruce
NHF footage notes for 'King Spruce': Logging film including axe sharpening, chopping trees, horse pulling logs, Lombard log hauler, rolling logs with Peaveys, men going to lunch...
10) 0836.0038
Your Cord of Wood
Title on film: 'Your Cord of Wood.' // Donor notes: B&W work copy for film Your Cord of Wood 1945. // NHF transfer notes: Work print, transferred at 15 fps. // Date from edge co...
22) 0836.0052
Pictures of Pulp Mills on the Pacific Coast
Title on film: 'Pictures of Pulp Mills on the Pacific Coast taken by E.P. Cook and B.T. Larrabee November 1940.' // Slight perf and edge damage. // List of scenes in collection ...
45) 0836.0068
Selection and Use of an Axe
Label on leader: 'Selection and Use of an Axe. Original Koda.' // Date range from edge codes on film. // Formerly: 'Reel 43.'
11) 0836.0069
Care and Use of a Bucksaw
Label on leader: 'Care and Use of a Bucksaw #2.' // Date from edge code on film. // Kodachrome color. // Film has twist. // Formerly: 'Reel 44.'
93) 0836.0093
[Operation Sanmaur]
Title on film: 'Operation Sanmaur 1946. // Donor's title: 'Operation--Sanhaur.' // Can note: January 1947. Original film on mechanical hauling. // Date from edge code on film. /...
25) 0836.0097
[American Pulpwood Association Equipment Conference]
American Pulpwood Association mechanical pulpwood equipment conference: June 4-8, 1945. // Transferred at 15 fps. // Formerly: 'Reel 65.'
30) 0897.0001-.0013
[Unobskey--home movies]
[Unobskey--home movies] are scenes of Jewish family life in Calais, ME, spanning four decades. Footage includes graduations, birthday parties and other family celebrations, ice ...
15) 0964.0004
[unidentified--home movies]
NHF cataloguer's notes, 11/94: (2 min.) Wood yard. Lumber being moved around with cranes and trucks. (14 min.) Amateur rodeo, large gathering. Children running race and playing ...;From Facebook: Names of the ladies in the Queen's Court in the parade. Left front: Paula Eldridge, 2nd one up on the left is Rebecca (Gross) Gray. She was from Castine. Dana ...
12) 95-40.0018-.0019
Awinita's cruise--Dassler family--home movies. Reels 18-19
NHF cataloguer's notes, 2/96 for Reels 18 and 19: Two middle aged men engaged in outdoor camp cooking; prepartion of planked (fileted on plank) lake trout; crowd of 25 people wa...
2) 1020.0001
Timber for Tojo
Collection-level description: a factual film about the wood products industry in Maine during World War II. Documentary footage of woodswork related to production of ammunition ...
1) 1059.0003
[George E. Whitmore--home movies] Reel 3
Film can/box notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned). 3. Xmas 1940. Martha's 9th birthday party 1/1/41
18) 1059.0004
[George E. Whitmore--home movies] Reel 4
Film can/box notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF-assigned). 4. Christmas.
96) 1108.0011
[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 011
NHF cataloguer's notes, 1/96: Reel 11: Ann part 2. Screening notes: Gaily decorated table with clown cake. VS of young girls wearing party hats eating. VS of toys including dw...
30) 1108.0054
[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 054
Reel 54: Archie Stewart can notes: Sound. Mary sings Solveig's song. Poorer odds & ends. Xmas tree. AES, TWS. Roy & Sadie. Grandpa & Ma Barnes. Otto, Ann & Geo. ...;SOUND Screening notes: CU on Mary singing (room lighting cast shadow on face). Grandma Stewart writing on lap in front of Christmas tree. Archie narration 'Grandma Stewart's bir...
9) 1108.0065
[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 065
Archie Stewart notes: Compilation reel of 'Annie Bannie' early childhood scenes over several years. [Ann Stewart Sauls, born April 18, 1930] Intertitle: 'Member Amateur Cinema...
43) 1108.0107
[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 107
Reel 107: Archie Stewart can notes: Temporary Xmas season pictures, 1949-1950. Start with Ann & Bob, end Ann & Mary's Xmas party. Storm damage, fall 1950. Small strip To...
2) 1258.0002
[Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 2
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 2: 'Xmas 41 Winter 42.' Christmas 1941? Year of Jack-in-the-boxes and big dolls. John in wool pointed hood, bowlegg...
3) 1258.0003
[Coughlan/Kelleher--home movies] Reel 3
Donor's notes as follows. Film box/reel notes in quotes. Reel 3: 'Xmas '42.' Christmas, 1942. Year of matching pjs [pajamas] (probably made by Kay). John Jr. having a
8) 1382.0009
[John A. Stone--home movies] Reel 009
Donor's notes as follows: Reel 9: Mom looking at house lot with realtor, 103 Homestead Avenue, Weymouth MA, 1940. Steam shovel digging hole for house. Dad talking to workmen. Ho...
94) 1382.0011
[John A. Stone--home movies] Reel 011
Donor's notes as follows: Reel 11: Uncle Woody, Aunt Corrine and Susan (about 9-10 months). Johnny and Mom in living room at 103 Homestead Ave., Weymouth MA. Mom, Johnny, Paul a...
3) 1383.0003
[Earl Hodgkins--home movies] Reel 003
Box/can notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. Reel 3: Fort Popham--Marthe and Nellie. French trawler launching. Hyde home. Ricky as a baby. Dad Page. Charlotte at Des...
2) 1383.0004
[Earl Hodgkins--home movies] Reel 004
Box/can notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. Reel 4: Spring 1947. Niagara falls. Dot, Andy and Joyce at Falls. Canadian gardens. David as a baby 6 wks. Jo Joseph and...
98) 1383.0007
[Earl Hodgkins--home movies] Reel 007
Can notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. Reel 7: Ann's second birthday. Christmas 1949, Second Street. Windsor Hotel fire, Bangor. First picnic of 1950, Lucerne. Lau...
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