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Bus travel
6) 0252.0018
[Howard Kane--home movies] Reels 18
Reel 18: (300 ft.) 'Machias 1929-1930.' 'Machias Fair, Ford (Jim) and sulkey race (Conrad Meserve, Harley Henry).' Season change. Man with dog walks by piles of logs. Waterfront...
36) 0293
[unidentified--home movies]
Amateur film including someone pushing person wearing clown suit into swimming pool as teenage girls watch, MCU of teenage girls at poolside in 1960s bathing suits, boys splashi...
9) 0316 cat.0010-10-WABI
Auto Rest Park
Fair or carnival. Scenes include parents watching children ride merry-go-round, people at food stands.
16) 0321 cat. 0014-04-WABI
Frontier Week
Frontier Week Celebration. Parade, fair, officials at lunch, Calais gun and rod club. Also a baseball game in which Ted Williams participates.
11) 0324 cat. 0017-07-WABI-60
Car and bus collision at Hudson intersection. Shots of damaged vehicles, accident scene.
4) 0325 cat. 0018-02-WABI-60
Civil Air Patrol Cadets Off to Encampment
Female CAP cadets file past officers onto an Air Force bus.
7) 0325 cat. 1008-13-WABI-60
Maine Exposition at Portland
Portland: Governor John Reed's visit to expo including his arrival, shaking hands, looking at lobster replica, Smokey the Bear mannequin, speaking with young woman wearing crown...
14) 0335 cat. 0025-05-WABI-61
Racing at Bangor Fair
Horse and buggy race including an accident.
36) 0343 cat. 0029-06-WABI-61
152nd Fairground
Troops at 152nd Fairgrounds Bivouac Headquarters prepare food for fair.
3) 0350 cat. 0032-20-WABI-62
Masque(?) Players -- India
People say goodbyes to others who leave on a bus.
8) 0350 cat. 0033-12-WABI-60
Governor Day at Fair
Fair including 'Welcome Governor' sign, Governors Reed and Day, rides, performers.
28) 0357 cat. 0048-25-WABI-62
Studio City Contest Winner
Bangor: Mrs. George Thibodeau is interviewed by Dick Bronson after she wins the WABI Seattle World's Fair Trip Contest.
25) 0357 cat. 1022-01-WABI-62
Mr. and Mrs. George Thibodeau
Milo: Winners of trip to Seattle for World's Fair, including couple and others in front of town hall, receiving a prize, shaking hands, and posing.
26) 0357 cat. 1022-04-WABI-62
Mrs. Thibodeau Interview
Interview of winner of trip to World's Fair in Seattle by Dick Bronson including Bronson presenting her with two airline tickets, a check for $250, tickets to events in Seattle ...
12) 0358 cat. 1022-07-WABI-62
Mr. and Mrs. Thibodeau Return
Brownville couple's return from Seattle World's Fair including deboarding plane, shaking hands, going over literature.
4) 0361 cat. 1021-12-WABI-62
Greyhound Terminal Opening
Ribbon cutting for Brountas Travel Bureau including Governor John Reed officiating and shaking hands, the building exterior and a bus.
8) 0362 cat. 0051-17-WABI-62
Greyhound Terminal Opening
Ribbon cutting for new Brountas Travel Bureau including Governor Reed, building and crowd.
9) 0374 cat. 1026-02-WABI-62
Maine Masque Theater
Company players board a bus, wave, and leave.
7) 0381 cat. 0063-20-WABI-63
Great Antonio
Man named Great Antonio pulls four buses by a rope.
36) 0382 cat. 0072-02-WABI-63
Bass Fair Ground
Bangor: Horses are hooked to buggies and sent running around a track.
20) 0384 cat. 0072-17-WABI-63
Bangor Fair
Bangor: Fair including a ceremony on board a ship, and a livestock contest.
8) 0387 cat. 0071-23-WABI-63
Stetson Rifles
Group of girls pose and board buses marked 'Stetson Rifles.'
16) 0388 cat. 0064-21-WABI-63
Bangor Fair
Bangor: Fair including a woman playing with a dog, a man on the highwire, and two men pulled by horses.
16) 0388 cat. 0064-22-WABI-63
Preparation for Bangor Fair
Preparation including trailers, people standing around with sheep, workers putting up booths and tents, rides.
18) 0389 cat. 0065-14-WABI-63
Maine Exposition in Massachusetts
Eastern States Exposition including building exterior, rides, exhibits, Maine Vacationland booth, Maine Poultry Queen, and the Maine Sea Goddess.
35) 0398 cat. 0077-12-WABI-64
Science Fair-Millinocket
High school fair with students standing in front of projects.
19) 0400 cat. 0082-07-WABI-64
Bangor High School World's Fair Trip
Students boarding bus and waving goodbye on way to New York World's Fair.
22) 0403 cat. 0087-03-WABI-64
Bangor Fair
Bangor: Fair preparation including crews assembling rollercoaster and other rides, a woman with a snake, a box of snakes, and the fairgrounds.
22) 0403 cat. 0087-08-WABI-64
Bangor Fair
Fair scenes including XLS of parking lot and rides, people talking, a man painting a sign that says 'Ride for life around the wall of Death.'
24) 0404 cat. 0087-14-WABI-64
Bangor Fair
Bangor: Fair scenes including men painting, wiping, and working on Chevy Show-sponsored 'Wall of Death.' Also car with tow behind it.
31) 0405 cat. 0089-15-WABI-64
Governor Reed at Exposition in Massachusetts
Time capsule ceremony at the Eastern States Exposition, Springfield, Mass. including Expo building exterior, crowd, Reed receiving a plaque, burying the time capsule.
10) 0410 cat. 0081-13-WABI-64
Opinion -- Transportation
Interview with two high school girls regarding whether Bangor should provide bus service to the new school. They believe it should.
34) 0426 cat.1038-07-WABI-64
Bangor: Two young women express opinions regarding need to provide busing for students to new high school.
19) 0431 cat. 0039-05-WABI-59
Fire Prevention
Bangor: Fire prevention drill at Bangor Elementary School including principal and fire chief setting off the alarm, and children evacuating building and boarding bus.
25) 0431 cat. 0039-11-WABI-61
Bangor Fair Fat Lambs
Bangor: People posing with their favorite fat lambs for a Bangor Fair event.
6) 0432 cat. 1045-04-WABI-65
Pittsfield Kiwanis Fair
Pittsfield: Fair and parade including marchers, horseback riders, children, parents.
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Bangor Historical Society/WABI Collection (68)
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Clif Reynolds (5)
Everett Greaton (3)
Jay Kent (1)
John Carl Dassler (2)
Joshua D. Maule, Jr. (1)
Mahlon "Babe" Walsh (3)
Ted Williams (1)
Victor Beaudoin (2)
Walter J. Clark (1)
Wilbur F. Senter (1)
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