[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reels 167-169

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1971 – 1972
Archie Stewart can notes: Reel 167 Kids to camp 17 Aug - 1 Sept 1971. Sept trip to camp. 19 Sept-30 Sept November trip 6 Nov-21 Nov. MWS & TAS spend Xmas at 388. Take new Jeep to Maine 15-17 Jan 1972. Trip to Ann's 7 Feb - 8 March. Reel 167 (more) March 1972. Telescope. Trail, peak, riders on mules, 150 ft., 50 ft., 30 ft., 10 ft. Reel 168 Hafers visit 29-30 April. Camp 13-20 May. Lilacs 388 22 May. T.W.'s wedding, present 2-4 June. T.W.s & Ann's wedding, 17 June. Take Joe & Ben to camp 22-29 July. MWS's and Geo's H.b.d. 8 Aug. 1972 kids visit 7 Aug - 1 Sept. To Mary-ah's in Bedford for her h.b.d. 7-9 Sept Fall trip Camp 4-19 November. Thanksgiving, Mary's, Bedford. Reel 169 Ann's Fallbrook Xmas. 14 Dec 1972 - 29 Dec. Camp 8-22 May 1973. Mary's 50th, Wellesley reunion 1-4 June. Sauls' visit 30 July-30 Aug. Geo's h.b.d. 2 Aug. Camp 10 Aug - 25 Aug. Mary Stewart Hafer notes: Reel 167 Archie stops at my house in Bedford, MA en route to camp. John Hafer is mowing lawn. Boarding canoe at camp. Mary Lou shooting, then Tom, and Abby. John launching clay pigeons. Rex shooting. Jumping off big rock on sandbar. Birds in bush and on ground. Kids skipping rocks on water. Line up of grandkids. Tom's girlfriend, Ann Sutphin, wearing dotted hat. Fishing from lobster boat with Earl. Girl splitting wood. September in camp. Mother on dock. Earl grilling fish. Earl diving Jeep and pulling in dock. Two old friends, Merle Hooks and Ariel Coombs, Maine potato farmers from near Springfield). Bird on stump and birds in feeder. Archie and Earl on bench chatting. Tommy Lockhead and Earl. Christmas in Newburgh by themselves. Artificial white evergreens on table. Mother with trees in front of big hall mirror. Carrying cake. Mother and Archie dining alone. Archie carving. Fallbrook, CA Ann and Reg's home at 147 Brandenburg Lane. Rex mowing lawn. Sauls kids on swing set. Rex trying on elegant hat in front of mirror. Dinner with Sauls family. Archie's birthday, February 27. Cake with loads of candles. Ann helping blow out candles. Another dinner, pecan pie. Rex playing guitar. Mary Lou with circular candle arrangement. Cat, Thai on top of fridge. Elizabeth with wig and 932 jumpsuit. Mini dachshunds and Thai the cat. One last piece of pecan pie and silly card. Neighbor's cactus garden. Painting by Ann. Trip home. Mother and Archie looking at western canyon. Red fire hydrant. Reel 168 Hafers getting out of car at 388 Grand Street. Heidi, the dog. Ann Sutphin, Tom's fiancee. Camp, Archie, Mother, Earl. Earl with fish in grill. Lilacs and dogwood at 388 Grand Street. Hafer ca with roof rack. Tom being kissed by Mother. Archie giving him a gift. Dinner at Beau Rivage restaurant. Tom's wedding to Ann Sutphin in Richmond, VA. Pre-wedding bachelor party aboard railroad president's private railroad car in Richmond Station. (Ann's father, Dr Adney Sutphin was head physician for Atlantic Coast Line RR.) Tom's buddy, Pete Burke. Wedding: Hafers, Sutphins, etc. Camp. Earl. Joe Steffy (West Point Heisman Trophy winner and Otto Brown's son-in-law, also Archie's business partner) and his son, Bent, visiting camp. Mother, Tom and Ann Hafer, Abby. Tom making ice cream. August 8, Newburgh. Mother and Rex birthday party Rex gets big suede hat. Mother with paintings. Mary Lou carrying in big cake. Esther with cake. En route to camp. Loading car with roof rack in Newburgh. My backyard in Bedford, MA. Rex and Mary Lou with string of fish. Shooting clay birds, bathing, paddling canoe, swinging. Earl frying fish. Dining outdoors. Toasting marshmallows. Water skiing. Rex driving canoe. Piling up driftwood. My birthday, Sept 7. Doc Hafer, Fred's recently widowed father, on our patio in Bedford with me and a big Orphan Annie birthday card. Fred also there. Camp. Hunting season. Earl, Merle Hooks and Ariel Coombs, potato farmers from near Springfield, Maine, Tommy Lockhead (Broadway Garage employee), and Archie, all eating popcorn. Snow scenes through camp windows and outside. Pretty misty snow scene with boat. Stark view of trees against lake. Bedford, MA, Thanksgiving at my house. John with long hair. Abby with Heidi, Ann Hafer with Lumpy. Fred carving. Reel 169 (1972-1973). Fallbrook CA Setting Christmas table at Sauls'. Dining. Christmas tree. and gifts. Reg carving. Opening packages. Rex playing guitar. Golf course. Elizabeth diving in backyard pool. Picking backyard citrus. Bedford, MA. My house with new attached barn-type garage. Camp. John with beard, mustache and braided ponytail chopping wood. Doc Hafer. Earl. Tecky knitting. Wellesley College. Mother's 50th reunion (Class of 1923). Alumnae all in white. Mother with friends. Classmates now wearing yellow capes. Little girl in yellow cape. Roses. Boonsboro, MD. George Maharay's ancient stone house and his family. (George is Archie's double second cousin and my childhood pal.) 388 Grand Street. Sauls kids playing badminton in backyard. Esther with birthday cake for Rex. Reg & Ann Sauls present. Camp. Earl and Reg Sauls burning brush. Girl splitting wood. Picking blueberries. Gang with fish. Elizabeth and Mary Lou in hammock. Reg Sr. on swing. Sitting around. Reg and Anne in floppy hat. Tom Hafer with mustache. Anne on swing. Ann and Reg on beach. Reg and kids with snorkels. Carrying generator from Jeep to boat. Tom and dog Lumpy. Ann Hafer, Fred Hafer and Reg Sauls. Ann Hafer and Lump. Anne Sauls. Backyard at 388 Grand Street.

3 Copies

1) 1108.0167 - 1108.0169_VHS
2) 1108.0167 - 1108.0169_SVHS
3) 1108.0167 - 1108.0169_F16
16mm film; [? ft.]; Silent; Color;