[Clayton P. Hodgkin--home movies] Reel 3, Accession 2491

![Lewiston, ME [44.100351,-70.2147764]](marker-icon.png)
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A woman and a boy pushing a baby carriage. Laura, Douglas, Brian and young Irving Hodgkin playing in the snow with a dog named Fluffy, including the boys sledding and shoveling snow. A horse named Captain and a dog named Sparky, including Sparky on a sled. Children sledding and playing in the snow. A man trimming around a tree. A tree falling into a small fire. A bus on Lisbon Rd. People on a horse drawn sled. Brian gathering sap from trees. Brian and Douglas playing in the melting snow, including Brian with a shovel. Laura and Clayton Hodgkin riding in a horse drawn carriage with a young boy and a dog. A Lewiston Grange Patriot’s Day party, including children playing outside, people inside, baby John Hodgkin and majorettes performing on the street and posing with Brian. Douglas giving Brian a ride on his tricycle. Douglas and Brian in their Sunday clothes for church. Boys playing with twin sheep, Coca and Cola. Lester, Harland, Irving and Addie Hodgkin outside a building. Two boys kicking dirt. Douglas, two men and a woman playing with Sparky and another dog. A boy playing. Roland Dubois and his girlfriend walking. Douglas and others playing with sheep and a dog. Lester Farrar, Earl Ellsworth and Arland Meade in uniform with Aletha Meade. A man raking a pile of rubble with two children. Cows in a field, a man carrying a calf and a man leading a cow. Arland, Douglas and Brian on a porch swing. Douglas milking a cow while Brian holds the tail and then play outside as Laura watches. Flowers in Irving Hodgkin’s lawn. Douglas raking a lawn. Children playing with and sitting in a pickup truck full of pumpkins and squash. Eugene Faucher on a bicycle. Nora Hodgkin working in the garden. A boy picking flowers. Lester and Harland walking out of a building. A man playing with a dog. Nora and Irving posing by a car with their grandchildren for their wedding anniversary, including Laura and Mae trying to discipline the children as they fight. Scenic shots of fall foliage by a lake. Laura, Douglas and Brian returning home from church. Notes on can: “#3” Donor Notes: All names and the majority of the locations come from the donor’s notes. Please refer to them for further information.
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