[Clayton P. Hodgkin--home movies] Reel 1, Accession 2491

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1941 – 1942
Laura, Bertha and Mae Hodgkin with numerous young children. Irving Hodgkin pushing his young grandchildren, Irving and Douglas Hodgkin, in a stroller as two dogs walk with them. A shot of an electric car of the interurban train system on Crooked Bridge (see note below). Cows in a field near Irving Hodgkin’s house. Clayton and Laura Hodgkin in their living room with their sons Douglas and Brian. Irving with two of his grandchildren, Donald Hodgkin dressed as a soldier and Irving holding a stuffed panda, and his son Merwin Hodgkin. Winter in Lewiston, including Laura and Douglas pushing Brian in a sled and throwing a snowball, Douglas in the snow, Priscilla Houghton walking in the snow, a train, children sledding, Charles, Louise and Aletha Meade, Mae and Nora Hodgkin, Douglas pulling young Irving on a sled and Brian in a wicker carriage. Roland Dubois and others sawing wood on a circular saw. Aletha Meade, Thatcher Rathbun and Flora Additon playing in the snow at the Meade household. Brian in a high chair playing with Mickey, a black cat. Mae Hodgkin on the sidewalk with a baby in a carriage. A woman in a room. Douglas playing with others, walking into R&H Market and riding a tricycle. People and children in the street. A man taking a picture. Aletha and Hazel Meade dressed for Easter. Charles Meade running in a field. Mae Hodgkin hiding from the camera. Snow covered streets, houses and trees, including a black dog named Fluffy playing in the snow. People playing cards and at a Lewiston Grange party, including people petting a horse, Alton and Cecilia Cole, Gordon and Arlene Mills, who receives a bathinet, Doris Adams, Al and Catherine Savage and Merle and Cecilia Webber. Douglas and Brian playing on a tricycle and a scooter respectively intercut with Clayton and Irving Hodgkin mixing cement. Workers dismantling Crooked Bridge intercut with people at the Lewiston Grange building, including a car towing a buggy. Clayton and Irving plowing a field with a bull. Two dogs. Notes on can: “#1” Donor Notes: All names and the majority of the locations come from the donor’s notes. Please refer to them for further information. Crooked Bridge (1898-1941) of the Lewiston, Brunswick and Bath Street Railroad. This bridge was located near the border of Lisbon Village and Lewiston. 1919-1941, Androscoggin & Kennebec Railway Co.

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