[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 068

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Viewing notes: Reel 68: Summer 1938 (silent). Screening notes: Mother and girls posing in summer frocks in garden, Mary's 8th grade graduation class. Setting off sparklers, fireworks in front yard. 4th of July, Grand Street Gang, 350 Grand Street. George Northrop. Pontiac or Packard car in driveway. Car across Grand Street. WS of lightning storm, large bolts lit sky. Fireworks display against night sky. VS of river, waterfalls. [Flood on third hole of Powelton Golf Course.] Whitewater. Ann and Mary leaning over bridge to watch water. VS Rapids. Dam. [Walkill?] WS Lake with float. People swimming, diving. Fish under water. Catch fish in net. Sunbathing. [Dr. Traub P.D. Weikert and mother swimming. PD. with little fish in net. George Northrop casting.] Rod fishing from dock and shore. Barbeque picnic beside cabin, lake. VS of full moon. VS Tennis. Swimming, diving in pool. ["Tickle" Turpenning, Powelton Club lifeguard.] Toddler party, boy crying. [Terry Northrop and Susan Proper--Dr. and Mrs. T. Northrop] Burning trash in huge outdoor stone fireplace. [Roy Curtis] More swimming at pool. Ann and Mary.

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