[Rockwood H. Foster--home movies] Reel 10

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West Indies, Boat Weekend 1961, Sturbridge [Mill] [Village]
People wave from the steps to an airplane. Aerial shot of coastline. Military event. Man in elaborate military uniform. Signing event. [Trinidad and Tobago Independence?] The USS Newport ship. Sailors. Outdoor event. Men in uniform with flamingo feathers in hat. Raising of flags. (UK, US, West Indies Federation, and Trinidad and Tobago colonial flag. Military procession. Shot of a proclamation. A horse race. A family poses for the camera. Shots of houses along the water. A shipwreck. Boats on the water. Houses. Sign for ‘Hummingbird Development Company Limited Roaring River’. Cacao orchard. Panning shot of buildings. People on the beach. Shots of [hotel?] Airport. Sign for ‘The Why Oak’ (Maryland). The boys in front of the oak. Children on a boat. Swimming. The boys on the Mayflower II, a replica of the ship Mayflower. Sign for ‘Old Sturbridge Village’. The family around the historic site. Covered bridge. Horse drawn wagons. An elderly woman outside of a house. Deer. Family poses around a truck. Shots of New York City and the Statue of Liberty. [End of Reel]

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