[Dice Home Movies--Reel 14]

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Isle 78
1978 Label - "Isle '78" IAH - Jack digs a rock in the Ark Driveway - Too much scenery - weir, Blatchfords, - Phil Alley and Kim Barter clamming - Scenery, windjammers - The Miss Lizzie towing Tara II - JRD (very brief) - Pile driving, building weir in the Thorofare - Painting Ark - MEK, Mark Sheiko, JRD, EAD, Dave Rogers - Filleting flounder - JLD - The green pea sewage system - Outward bound boats in the fog - The Poozie fishing (owned by Skeet (Forrest) McDonald) - FLS, Eric working around the Ark - SFD and Leslie Demuth packing for living on IAH, Celeste watching

4 Copies
