[Dice Home Movies--Reel 6]

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-Family - L.R. Dices, Schons, Suzy + J DCL, Xmas 1964 Squirrels, Skins, Swans, Delhi [?] Backyard girls, 1964-5 Rita on Jack's motorcycle
1964-65 -Lee Raymond Dice, Dora Sybil (sibyl?) Lemon Dice, raking leaves on Brooks street - Day Street - FLS, little Eric and Mark Schonenberg, SFD, JLD, Bob Schonenberg, Jack Schonenberg, JJS, EAD - JLD and Bob on moto - Lois Bates, JDCL, MLD - Winter play, saucering - EAD, SFD, Amy Jacob - Squirrel on feeder, cat (too long) - Xmas - SFD, EAD, JLD, Meg - Meg in party/prom dress, boy putting corsage on her, Meg with boy and car - Skiing - all Dices plus boy - MORE BIRDS on feeder! - Delhi canoeing solo - JRD, MLD - Backyard running through sprinkler - SFD, Racie Evans, Amy? - Sailing - Meg, boy - 4th of July picnic - Russells, Nicolaides, Rita rides on Jack's moto - Kayaking - Flowers

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