[Racial Imbalance Series]

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March 15 1974
Story #7575. Silent footage of African American children entering school and in a classroom, with mostly African American children and white teachers. A Mattapan family sits around the kitchen table, parents helping son with math homework. Father and mother speak about the changes caused by court ordered busing and their efforts with parent groups in the community. Reporter reasks questions for cutaway edits. Gerald Ford speech, image goes in and out while audio plays. Interview with man about how busing will affect his daughter and his efforts to keep the Lowell School open. Exteriors of a house, neighborhood environs, and closeup on Colorado St. sign. Footage of a young African American girl walking to school. More b-roll of classroom scenes. Students exiting Phineas Bates School building. Construction site (possibly where new school complex will be built). Closeup on Livermore St. sign and Charles Logue School sign. Mix of silent and sound.

2 Copies
