In Person - Jack Lemmon; Timothy Leary; Ed Asner

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March 3 1989
Aircheck - Friday March 3, 1989 In Person - Jack Lemmon, Timothy Leary, Ed Asner
Profile interview by Mary Richardson with Jack Lemmon including clips from his movies; profile interview with Timothy Leary including clips from his standup performances and stills from the 60s in California; profile interview with Ed Asner and clips from his television performances. Specific Viewing Notes or Cautions: commercials included; begins and ends abruptly.
Advertisements include Jeep Eagle, Coors, Boston Magazine, Jordan Marsh, Midas, Lipton Soups, MultiCat, Honda, Chrysler Plymouth, Obsession, Speedy muffler king, Mitsubishi, News Center 5; In the studio Peter Mehegan, Mary Richardson, Stella Gould, Rita J. Thompson;

2 Copies
