News - A Time Remembered

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May 29 1983
Master News X2718 A Time Remembered Rec. 5/28/83 Air. 5/29/83
Slate: “A Time Remembered” VTR: X2718 master Rec. 5/29/83 Air. 5/29/83 8PM Dir: Drucker; Title: “A Time Remembered”; Memorial Day Special; Segment #1: Clark Booth introductory in front of the Druid alters oat Stonehenge; stock footage of Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler speeches, book burnings, etc.; Historian William Shirer on the subject; Waterloo, Belgium; Napoleon Bonaparte; World War I; Versailles, France; cut to black; Segment #2: Shirer on the power of Hitler; Luftwaffe Ace Johannes Von Steinhoff on the subject; the Enigma Machine; The Ultra Secret; codebreakers; Bletchley Park, England; Winston Churchill; Blackwater, England; the attack on Coventry, England; cut to black; Segment #3: Churchill speeches; Shirer on the subject; the Phony War; Sierck les Bains, France; the Maginot Line; Compiegne, France; Ferdinand Foch; Dunkirk, France; Trafalgar Square; Edward R. Murrow; Erwin Rommel; Albert Kesselring; Major Gen. James Gavin on the subject; Leningrad and Stalingrad; Shirer on the Russians; Normandy, France; cut to black; Segment #4: President Franklin D. Roosevelt; D-Day; Falaise, France; The Falaise Gap; Gavin on the subject; Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery; Paris, France; Charles de Gaulle; Gavin on the subject; British Historian Andrew Boyle on the subject of Churchill; Premier Joseph Stalin; Battle of the Bulge; Bastogne, Belgium; General George S. Patton; Heidelberg, W. Germany; Steinhoff talks on the end of the war; Saarbrucken, W. Germany; Boyle on the subject; Cold War; Shirer on nuclear bombs; credits.
Credits; Producer: Dick Amaral; Director: Bruce Drucker; Reporter: Clark Booth.

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