MPC Metromedia - SIOK (Someone I Once Knew)

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April 20 1983
Dub MPC Metromedia X2531 SIOK (Safety Mixed Air Master w/ Natl. Address) Rec. 4/20/83
Slate: ‘WCVB-TV Title: Someone I Once Knew, Tape# 1720 Prod. P. Apsell’; Title: “Someone I Once Knew” Medical Special; Dr. Timothy Johnson reporting; cut to black; Bill Stanick and his story with Alzheimer’s disease, interactions with his wife and family; cut to black; what is Alzheimer’s, difficulty of diagnosing; Priscilla [Rivelry] talks on her memory and speech issues; Dr. Marsel Mesulam of Beth Israel Hospital on the subject of Alzheimer's; examinations at the Beth Israel Hospital; Dr. John Rowe of the Beth Israel Hospital on the subject of medication confusion and alternate causes to forgetfulness; research on causes and treatments; Dr. Peter Davies of the Einstein College of Medicine and his studies on low Acetylcholine levels in victims of Alzheimer’s disease; Dr. Leon Thal of the Einstein College of Medicine on studies using physostigmine to help with memory; cut to black; advanced stages of Alzheimer’s disease; Ann Martin and her story of caring for her mother, Selma Martin, in advanced stages; nursing homes, the VA; Winthrop Farrell and his story; group sessions for the spouses to talk about their problems; cut to black; Joseph and Lilian Paradise, maintaining their lives with Alzheimer’s, adjusting to disabilities; Dr. James Haycox of the Burke Rehabilitation Center on the subject of rehabilitation; cut to black; conclusion, more information intertitle and credits.
Credits; Producer/Director/Writer: Paula s. Apsell; Writer: Dr. Timothy Johnson; Associate Producer: Melanie Wallace.

2 Copies
