Chronicle - MSBR Cape Cod

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May 20 1991
MSBR Cape Cod; Unusual tour of Cape Cod; the first views are from the air; tours of stone towers; the Highland Lighthouse is on the tour; Touro fish house is a stop; an 11,000 year old archeological site is visited; black screen breaks; Salt Pond visitor center is the start of a trail; misinforming the tourists is part of the tour; antique postcards are used to know what used to be in a location; the rail trail is visited; fisherman Phil Schwinn is interviewed; piano tuner Jimmy Turner is interviewed; Noel Beyle signed off by saying he had already told the viewer more than he he knew;
In the studio Mary Richardson, Art Donahue, Bob Comiskey, Noel Beyle, Chris Stirling, Susan Sloane, Jerry Kirschenbaum, Pat Bates, Kathy Bickimer, Clint Conley, Lorie Conway George, Stella Gould, Andria Hall, Stan Leven, Lynne McCrea, Peter Mehegan, David Skillicorn, Gonca Sonmez-Poole, Rita Thompson, Tony Kahn, J. Isaac Laughinghouse, Amy O. Hassan, Lisa Kenney, Judi Guild, Bob Oliver, Ken Sullivan, Doug Dike, Jim Fripp, Bob Hakkila, John Mitchell, Susan Krieger, Leroy McLaurin, Ted Phillips, Curt Reichenbach, Brian Menz, Frank Firnschild, Jam Hakim, Janie Cartier, Rob Cartier, Rob Crowley, Bruce Goldman, G. Geoffrey Lans, Phil Walters, Mary Driscoll, Ted Phillips, George Nahas, Roger Rice, Kim Devolve, Bob Jennings, Roger Rice, Jim Watson, Leon Goldman, Ted Phillips, Gretchen Sohner, Russ Cooper, Linda Carp, Tricia Gilligan, Sharon Lewis, Christine Finn, Milly Lynch, C. Sara Buda, Stacy Lundin;

2 Copies

1) nhf-2716_3846 29_97fps SD_Uncompressed 10-bit
2) 2716.3846_IN3/4
3/4inch-video; Sound; Color;