Chronicle - Inside Kid Culture

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June 15 1990
Aircheck; Little League; Friday June 15, 1990
"Inside Kid's Culture" Explores whether Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are harmful to children and second segment looks at overly aggressive parents of Little League Players followed by a commentary by Mike Barnicle. Black between segments. Chet Curtis and Mary Richardson in studio.
Clips from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles intercut with children answering questions about the turtles. Early educators Nancy Carlsson-Page and Diane Leven argue that both the toys and the movie/television encourage children to be aggressive and violent. Child Psychologist Dr. Bob Brooks disagrees and states that the movie has a good message about teamwork and caring behavior and that some play aggression between children can be healthy. Segment two begins with a clip from the movie "Parenthood" and questions whether Little League is becoming too competitive. Discuss a recent incident in Framingham where the game was ended early due to parents threatening the umpire. Interviews with local Little League Commissioner Jim [Sabre] and psychologist David [Alkine]. Mike Barnicle reminisces about playing Little League.
Credits: Story Producers: Mary Richardson, Stan Leven Directed by: Gregg Kidd Producer: Chris Stirling Managing Editor: Susan Sloane Senior Producer: Jerry Kirschenbaum Field Producers: Pat Bates, Kathy Bickimer, Lorie George, Stella, Gould, Andria Hall, Stan Leven, Lynne McCrea, Peter Mehegan, Kate Raisz, Mary Richardson, Rita Thompson Contributing Reporter: Tony Kahn Assistant Director: J. Isaac Laughinghouse Unit Manager: Amy Hassan Production Coordination: Lisa Kenney Principal Videography: Art Donahue, David Skillicorn Videography: Ken Sullivan, Alic Daly, Bob Oliver Principal Sound: James Fripp, Bob Hakkila Sound: Joe Mozdiez, Leroy McLaurin, Wayne Smith Principal Editors: Joe Mozdiez, Curt Reichenbach, Alan Pratt Editors: Judy Guild, Kathy McKenna, Ron Sapp Electric Graphics: Frank Firnschild, Carolyn Stirling Stage Manager: Rob Crowley, Bruce Goldman, B. Geoffrey Lans, Phil Walters Switchers: Rob Child, Mary Driscoll Audio: Chris O’Hare, George Nahas Lighting: Bob Jennings, Jim Watson Studio Cameras: Rod Adams, Kevin McSheffrey, Curt Reichenbach, Ron Sapp Videotape: Larry McCarthy ENG Receive: Russ Cooper, Jim Reidy Creative Services: Sharon Lewis Graphic Design: Christin Finn Still Photography: Molly Lynch Interns: Yae-Wei Wang, Katie Zipfel Program Administrator: Leona McCarthy Executive Producer: Mark Mills

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