Chronicle - Mall Mania

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October 9 1989
Chronicle Monday October 9, 1989 Mall Mania Aircheck
Chronicle; Mall Mania on Rt. 9; Mary Richardson provides a survey of the stores and services available at competing malls; experts in the desires of customers, and shopping, are interviewed; black screen breaks with some audio interruptions; Peter Mehegan reports on the mall culture that begins with film clips on the subject; Emerald Square Mall is visited for the inspiration it took from the movie The Wizard of Oz; mall "rats" are interviewed about what they are doing; mall walkers are also interviewed; the lollipop league is also described; Mike Barnicle offers his views on malls; lottery number; upcoming show on L.L. Bean and Freeport, Maine;
In the studio Mary Richardson, Peter Mehegan, Maggie Harper, Myles, Gordon, Chris Stirling, Susan Sloane, Bob Comiskey, Jerry Kirschenbaum, Pat Bates, Kathy Bickimer, Bob Geballe, Lorie George, Stella Gould, Andria Hall, Stan Leven, Lynne McCrea, Kate Raisz, Rita J. Thompson, Tony Kahn, Emmons S. Levine, Amy Hassan, Lisa Kenney, Art Donahue, David Skillicorn, Alice Daly, Ken Sullivan, James Fripp, Bob Hakkila, Nina Hasin, Leroy McLaurin, Wayne Smith, Joe Mozdiez, Curt Reichenbach, Alan Pratt, Judy Guild, Kathy McKenna, Ron Sapp, Frank Firnschild, Carolyn Stirling, Rob Crowley, Bruce Goldman, Jam Hakim, B.Geoffrey lans, Phil Walters, Ann Thomas, Bob Child, George Nahas, Bob Jennings, Jim Watson, Rod Adams, Linda Carp, Kevin McSheffrey, Larry McCarthy, Russ Cooper, Jim Reidy, Lisa Griffith, Tim McCarty, Ed Andre, Kate Arnold Kolbrenner, Molly Lynch, Leona McCarthy, Mark Mills, Paul La Camera;

2 Copies
