Chronicle - Baseball

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June 30 1989
Chronicle; Baseball: Celebrating the Game; commercials included; Peter Mehegan provides a context for national attention on baseball; archival footage of games, and clips from movies are part of the report; David Halberstam is interviewed about the history of baseball rituals and nostalgia; Ed Harding talks about the currency of the game; Ellis Burks talks about his experience in comparison to what is portrayed in the movies; a review of the number and kind of movies about the game is provided; Sparky Anderson is interviewed; Clark Booth offers some views about the character of today's players, particularly Wade Boggs and Pete Rose, and the reporting on them; Mike Barnicle shares his views on the players and current scandals; lottery number; upcoming show on the Children's Museum; upcoming News Center 5 reports; Perfect Strangers intro with credits;

2 Copies
