Chronicle - Tabloid TV

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February 1 1989
Chronicle Wednesday February 1 1989 Tabloid TV Aircheck
Tabloid TV; Chronicle; commercials included; viewer alert: disturbing images and audio echo; The Media and Morals; Andria Hall reports on the current kinds of programs available to programmers who select what is actually scheduled for broadcasting; the standards for shows, that sometimes turns into combat television, are discussed in the realm of freedom of the press; trash tv is turning into crash tv, some say; Geraldo is interviewed often; Mike Barnicle reports on the current plethora of horror and slasher movies; clips from movies are most of the report; the effects on young viewers is discussed; recent court trials that called out these effects are part this report; rating systems are considered for those who rent these movies; Mike Barnicle shares his views on trash tv, and particularly Geraldo Rivera; lottery number; upcoming show on the U.S. Army;

2 Copies
