[Medomak Camp] Reel 10
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1925 – 1935
Two shots of the Rangers leaving Camp Medomak in a truck with six canoes roped on top. A group shot of the Rangers. A few shots of the Rangers in canoes. Footage of a camp site including boys setting up tents, starting a fire and a boy getting a haircut. A few shots of a loon chick in a canoe and in the water. A shot of boys canoeing near Turtle Island between Junior Camp and Cub Cove. Footage of boys fishing on land and in canoes. A few shots of workmen on the docks loading boats. A shot of a town along the water. A few shots of a tug boat pulling pulp wood. Footage of a camp site intercut with a few shots of boys playing horseshoes on a beach and paddling in dead water. A few shots of a boy thoroughly drowning a fire. Footage of Allagash Falls. Footage of several boys putting the finishing touches on a bridge at the northern end of the Cub Cove beach on the shore path leading to Junior Camp. Footage of young campers, or Cubs, and counselor Jim Aldrich having an overnight at a small log cabin. A few shots of older boys loading canoes and gear for a trip. A few shots of men and boys poling canoes. Footage of a camp site including a man washing a dish in the water, a boy getting a haircut and boys brushing their teeth. Footage of boys poling on a river. A shot of boys, one of whom is Roger Garrison, shooting a washed-out dam. A shot of boys showing off their catch of fish followed by a few shots of them cooking the fish. A few shots of boys going through the rapids of Chase’s Carry in canoes with Ripogenus dam in the background. A few shots of boys playing in Allagash Falls. Two shots of boys in canoes arriving at Fort Kent, ME. Footage of Cubs learning how to cook outdoors, including cracking and flipping eggs in a frying pan. Donor Notes: All names and the majority of the locations come from the donor’s notes. Please refer to them for further information.
3 Copies