Chronicle - MSBR/ Connecticut

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November 13 1987
Chronicle Friday November 13, 1987 MSBR / Connecticut Aircheck
Chronicle; MSBR/ Connecticut; "The Hills are Alive" Litchfield, CT; commercials included; Mary Richardson reports from the Litchfield Hills; Skitch Henderson and his wife are interviewed about their move to the area; rising land prices are a difficulty for the long-time residents; changes in farming are discussed by locals; a farm stand owner talks about his experiences; autumn attractions are described; Limerock Park is visited; Mary Richardson interviews some of the drivers; Mary Richardson practices skid control; Nodine's Smokehouses is visited, as is White Flower Farm; owner David Smith is interviewed about giant begonias; tribal member Trudy Richmond talks with Mary Richardson about the history of the area; the Congregational Church in Litchfield is discussed by those trying to preserve it; lottery number; upcoming show on Fryeburg Fair; upcoming News Channel 5 stories; intro to Full House with credits;

2 Copies
