Chronicle - Super Babies (R)

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September 3 1987
Super Babies (R); Chronicle; Super Babies: Kids on the Fast Track; commercials included; Mary Richardson visits the Better Baby Institute, on the outskirts of Philadelphia; flashcards, called bits, are demonstrated; critics are interviewed; some of the children are interviewed; Peter Mehegan talks with kids and parents about childhood stress, and fast-tracking and hot-housing; Marion Bloom talks about fast-track stresses; pressure on admission to pre-school is discussed; springtime, not spring training, is the perspective for some children's educators; Tony Kahn satirizes child-rearing on the fast-track; upcoming MSBR about Castine, Maine; upcoming show "We the Jury"; upcoming News Center 5 at 11; intro to Sledge Hammer with credits; lottery number;

2 Copies
