Chronicle - Rangley, Maine

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August 3 1987
Chronicle August 3 1987 (Monday) Rangeley ME Aircheck
Rangley, Maine; the 1969 Impala on the road again in 1987 in the Rangley lakes area along Rt. 4; an historical society meeting of the area is a good first stop to learn about the history of the place; Ebb Ellis is interviewed about the famous "sports" who came to fish; Oscar Riddle is interviewed more extensively about the history of the surrounding area; "Jeep" writes poetry about the area and is interviewed about his work; black screen breaks; remote camps offer fishers an opportunity to just fish and do nothing else; the sound of loons can be heard as the kerosene lamps are lighted; Mary Higgins is interviewed about Wilhelm Reich's work at Orgonon; Daily Number;

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