Chronicle - Space Shuttle
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January 28 1986
Chronicle Tuesday Jan. 28 1986
Space Shuttle
Chronicle; Space Shuttle: What Went Wrong; commercials included; footage of the shuttle explosion; Mary Richardson and Peter Mehegan report on the recent tragedy; a report on the preparations for the launch and the explosion just after launch; Jesse Moore makes the announcement of the astronauts' deaths; each astronaut is named with a photo caption; Christa McAuliffe, the "teacher in space" is featured with a longer report on her background, preparations and purpose for going on the flight; a clip from President Reagan's speech; Shirley McNerney reports from Cape Canaveral; NASA's focus on the Shuttle Program is reported by Chet Curtis; Peter Mehegan interviews Michael Guillen and David Lippy about what might have caused the explosion and what might happen next to space exploration; more of the President's speech; Mary Richardson interviews Tom Cottle about a child reactions to the tragedy and what parents or adults could do around children distressed by events; Daily Lottery Number; Who's the Boss intro;
Advertisements include Crisco, Boston Gas, Chevrolet, Eastern Airlines, Bank of Boston, Florida Citrus, the Boston Five Bank, Magic Kingdom on Ice, WSSH radio, Tab (soft drink), NYNex, Salada tea, Ryder;
2 Copies