Chronicle - Burger Wars

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February 13 1985
Aircheck Wednesday Feb. 13 1985 Burger Wars The Great Burger Wars
Chronicle; Burger Wars; competition among hamburger-producing fast food companies is discussed and described in a report by Mary Richardson; visits to McDonald's, Wendy's and Burger King are included, and clips from commercials used by each company are part of the story; black screen breaks; Peter Mehegan provides a short history of the company, and McDonald's Hamburger University is toured; hamburgerology is the academic degree offered; Mike Barnicle talks about international hamburger offerings and his preference for peanut butter and jelly; upcoming show on Valentines Day and love; lottery number;
n the studio Peter Mehegan, Mary Richardson, Mark Mills, Dick Puttkamer, Kathy Bickimer, Bob Geballe, Lorie George, Bev Jackson, Jerry Kirschenbaum, Stan Leven, Lisa Mastrogiovanni, Susan Sloane, Chris Stirling, Lisa Ziegler Arnie Reisman, Brian Pellicano, Stella Gould, Gonca Sonmez, Judy Guild, David Skillicorn, Rodney Grace, Bill Hartigan, James Fripp, Doug Dike, Len Spaulding, Ellen Boyce, Jeff Brawer, Kathy McKenna, Curt Reichenbach, Marcia Tankersley, Ellen Serwin-Greeley, Joe Mozdiez, Bayard Peabody, Jr., Kathy McSweeney, Susan Krieger, Alan Pratt, David Teixeira, Phil Walters, Jam Hakim, Ted Phillips, Bud Tremblay, Emeric Feldmar, George Nahas, Jim Hughes, Lisa A. Borge Leon Goldman, Wayne Smith, Bob Jennings, George Manning, Reg Powers, Leroy McLarin, Steve Baily, Anna Yuen, Steve Minichello, Michael Grana, Carol Fatta, Steve Serio, Frank Firnschild, Jill Halstead, Judith Stoia, Joy McGugan, Charles Kravetz, Paul LaCamera;

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