Chronicle - Labor

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December 6 1983
Aircheck Chronicle Tuesday December 6, 1983 Labor
Chronicle; Labor: turning back the clock; show music and graphics; Jeanne Blake and Peter Mehegan host; the death of a Greyhound bus trainee and striking workers is the opening story; the reach of the company is reviewed; causes for the strike are noted; the activities of the union are reported; experts on business are asked about the effects of deregulation and competition; black screen breaks with some audio interruptions; a fifth of the nation's workforce are union members; the ups and downs of the history of labor organization is reported through interviews, archived photos and film; labor started off making demands of companies, but later the companies started making demands on unions; Mike Barnicle offers his thoughts about labor unions, and what he observes as the new slogan "where's mine" that has become the national slogan, not a union or management slogan; upcoming stories are previewed; credits, show music, graphics and Boston skyline views;
In the studio Jeanne Blake, Peter Mehegan, Charles Kravetz, Judith Stoia, David Lawless, Mark Mills, Kathy Bickimer, Ron Blau, Lovell Dyett, Bev Jackson, Jerry Kirschenbaum, Lisa Mastrogiavanni [Mastrogiovanni], Lisa Schmid, Philis Shipman, Stan Levin, Susan Sloane, Pam Cross, Brian Pellicano, Lisa Ziegler, Stella Gould, Judy Brisson, Cal Hoyle, Chris O'Hare, Doug Dike, Jim Fripp, Marcy Tankersley, Jeff Brawer, Kathy McKenna, Zip Bradwell, Joe Mozdiez, Alan Pratt, Dave Teixera [Teixiera], Geoff Sullivan, Lisa Borge, Phil Walters, Jam Hakim, Ted Phillips, Bud Tremblay, Leo Demers, George Nahas, Leon Goldman, Wayne Smith, Vern Coleman, Len Pray, Leroy McLarin, Anna Yuen, Diane Schulman, Michael Grana, Carol Fatta, Steve Serio, Joe Chapura, Faith Sutter, Paul LaCamera;

2 Copies
