Chronicle - Presidential Debate/ Harvard University

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October 13 1983
Thursday October 13, 1983 Presidential Debate / Harvard University 8-9 Dub From This
Chronicle: Presidential Debate/ Harvard University; Edward Markey and seven politicians for the democrat ticket as candidate for President of the United States debate the issue of a nuclear freeze; Ernest Hollings, Reuben Askew, Gary Hart, John Glenn, George McGovern, Alan Cranston, Walter Mondale are seated on a stage with a live audience to answer questions, and Peter Mehegan acts as moderator; the rules of the debate are set; at the end of the debate, Markey invites the viewers to write and ask for a transcript.
In the studio Peter Mehegan, Charles Kravetz, Judith Stovia, David Lawless, Jerry Kirschenbaum, Lisa Ziegler, Stella Gould, Emmons S. Levine, J. Isaac Laughinghouse, Keith Jardin, Richie O'Neill, Gretchen Soehner, Dick Erickson, Roger Rice, Nancy Maloney, Bob Hakkila, Karl Lorencic, Jerry Milot, Al Brewer, Skip Peabody, Joe Mozdiez, Al Giglio, Jam Hakim;

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