Chronicle - Dukakis/Abortion
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June 16 1983
Chronicle Thursday June 26, 1983 Dukakis / Abortion
Chronicle: Dukakis/Abortion; Peter Mehegan shadows Gov. Dukakis for a day during his second administration to see if things were different this time during his time in office; black screen breaks are interrupted with audio and video; Kirk Sharfenberg provides a critique of the governor's second term so far; a mother and daughter talk about their perspective on the recent decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to reaffirm the right to abortion after the daughter decided to seek an abortion; Jane Sheehan and Nicki Nichols Gambles, advocates on each side of the question, are interviewed;
In the studio Chet Curtis, Jeanne Blake, Arnie Riesman, Lisa Ziegler, Lisa Mastrogiovanni.
2 Copies
1) nhf-2716_2153 29_97fps SD_Uncompressed 10-bit
2) 2716.2153_IN3/4
3/4inch-video; Sound; Color;