Chronicle - Convicts vs Victims

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May 6 1983
Chronicle Convicts vs Victims Friday May 6, 1983 Aircheck
Chronicle: Convicts & Victims; audio during black screen breaks; part five focuses on the victims of crime; a recap of the kinds of crimes in the earlier parts of the week-long report provides a context for the kinds of victims that are left to recover after the crimes; victims of crimes are interviewed about what happened to them and how they feel now about those who are sent to prison; they sit along side several criminals who also talk about what they think about the system that put them behind bars; Mike Barnicle talks about the real victims of the system and justice;
In the studio Jeanne Blake, Peter Mehegan, Judith Stoia, Charles Kravetz, David Lawless, Arnie Reisman, Chris MacEachern, Cmsr. Michael V. Fair, Joseph Landolfi, Bob Walsh, Ron Blau, Jerry Kirschenbaum, Mark Mills, Rory O'Connor, Lisa Schmid, Philis Shipman, David Skillicorn, Bev Jackson, Pam Cross, Brian Pellican, Lisa Ziegler, Lisa Mastrogiovanni, Jane, Feinberg, Cal Hoyle, Brian Dowley, Chris O'Hare, Dick Erickson, Roger Rice, Len Spaulding, Keith Jardine, Doug Dike, Zip Bradwell, Jeff Brawer, Joe Mozdiez, Curt Reichenbach, Alan Prat, Marty Tankersley, David Texeira, Phil Walters, Jam Kakim, Bruce Goldman, Ted Phillips, Bud Tremblay, Leo Demers, Bob Jennings, Leon Goldman, Wayne Smith, George Nahas, Tony Tawa, Rob Roy, Len Pray, Michael Grana, Marcelle Watkins, Carol Fatta, Eric Roth, Anna Yuen, Jodi Adelson, Stephie Guyer, Dawn Sykes;

2 Copies
