Chronicle - Space Wars

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April 6 1983
Chronicle Wednesday April 6, 1983 Space Wars - No time code Aircheck
Chronicle: Space Wars -- Swords, Shields, or Ploughshares? President Reagan's "star wars" plan is described the history of nuclear armaments is reviewed; Daniel Yergin and Phillip Morrison are interviewed; black screen breaks; the rhetorical positions on the arms race Mike Mof the east and west are examined; Mike Barnicle interviews two men who have special perspectives on nuclear bombs: Charles Sweeney, who dropped one of the bombs on Japan, and Charles Stevenson, a Marine doctor who attended on the ground in Japan one month after the bombing; they talk about what they think of the current efforts toward a freeze.
In the studio Jeanne Blake, Peter Mehegan, Lisa Ziegler, Jerry Kirschenbaum, Vincent Canzoneri;

2 Copies
