Chronicle - Boston Decline and Boom; Barnicle: Boston Neighborhoods; the Lost West End; Interview with Bob Ryan

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September 17 1982
Chronicle Friday September 17 1982 Boston Decline and Boom Barnicle: Boston Neighborhoods - The Lost West End - Interview with Bob Ryan / BRA Aircheck
Chronicle: Boston Decline and Boom; Barnicle: Boston Neighborhoods; the Lost West End; Interview with Bob Ryan; A great place to visit but is it a good place to live? Neighborhoods that feel like neglected colonies; Downtown and the waterfront are where all the activity is focused for improvement; the residential neighborhoods are declining with poor schools and poor infrastructure; will trickle-down economy work here? Some say no, creating a tale of two Bostons; for the short run a shining skyline will look down on neighborhoods in a state of decay; black screen breaks with brief video interruptions; Mike Barnicle visits Roslyndale and talks with the residents about what makes it worthwhile to live there; then he visits Quincy Market, and Rocksbury for contrast and talks with residents of each; all of the residents interviewed say they want the same thing: safe streets, good schools and a nice place to call home; Bob Ryan is interviewed about what he plans for Boston's redevelopment; the West End, where Leonard Nemoy once lived, is visited before it disappears.
In the studio Jeanne Blake, Peter Mehegan, Mike Barnicle;

2 Copies
