Chronicle - TS Pacman Fever; FS Shakers; PS Frogs

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April 13 1982
Chronicle Tues April 13 1982 TS Pacman Fever FS Shakers PS Frogs Aircheck
Chronicle: TS Pac-man Fever; FS Shakers; PS Frogs; Pac-man Crazy? What is the attraction, well, it's cute, and it is simple to play; teenagers are interviewed; the demand for the game console far exceeds the supply; black screen breaks; Shake Village in Canterbury, New Hampshire, is visited and the sisters there are interviewed about lifestyle and workmanship; the parting shot focused on images of frogs in the area with a brackground theme song by Kermit;
In the studio Chet Curtis, Jeanne Blake, Donna Downes, Ron Blau, Philip S. Balboni, Charles Kravetz, Judith Stoia, Bill Lowell, David Skillicorn, Pam Cross, Joyce Ferriabough, Hamilton Fisher, Jo LaCour, Lisa Mastrogiovanni, Arnie Reisman, Lisa Schmid, Caron Shapiro, Philis Shipman, David Lawless, Lisa Ziegler, Stella Gould, John D. Grahme, Cal Hoyle, Bob Hakkila, Chris O'Hare, Alice Daly, Ed Dadulak, Bob King, Jim Fripp, Ellen Boyce, Howie Rouse, Rich O'Neill, Jeff Brawer, W. Scott OBreza, Curt Reichenbach, Rodney Grace, Joe Mozdzierz, Goerge Ellard, Doug Devitt, Jayne Raphael, Marcie Tankersley, Bob Marsocci, Leroy McLaurin, Alan Pratt, John Delandis, Bud Tremblay, George Nahas, Bob Jennings, Leon Goldman, Bern Coleman, Wayne Smith, Kathy McKenna, Ed Baron, Phil Walters, Jam Hakim, Brian Pellicano, Ted Talanian, Debra Galbau, Eric Roth, Carol Fatta, Micki Byrnes, Geoff Sullivan.

2 Copies
