Chronicle - TS Von Bulow; FS High School; PS Arnie -- Media's Right to Tape the Public

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March 8 1982
Chronicle Monday March 8 1982 TS Von Bunlow FS High School PS Arnie - Media's Right to tape the Public
Chronicle: TS Von Bulow; FS High School; PS Arnie -- Media's Right to Tape the Public; A review of what is known about the Von Bulows before the trial actually begins, through the eyes and ears of the media so far; black screen breaks, with some audio; a portrait of Waltham High School is provided through the eyes of a student at the school, including student interviews and snapshots of classroom experiences; a review of Waikiki Beach is offered; Arnie Reisman talks about video rights in public places;
In the studio Jeanne Blake, Chet Curtis, Donna Downes, David Skillicorn;

2 Copies
