Chronicle - TS Water Politics; FS Famous Photos; PS Arlo Guthrie

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March 2 1982
Chronicle Tues March 2 1982 TS Water Politics FS Famous Phots PS Arlo Guthrie Aircheck
Chronicle:TS Water Politics; FS Famous Photos; PS Arlo Guthrie; Silver Lake ownership is the center of a fight between several towns including Brockton and Kingston; Photographs of famous people are on display, collected by Wesley Marins; he talks about his favorites and his strategy for selection of those photographs he has in the collection; Caribbean cruise packages are reviewed; Arlo Guthrie's "Massachusetts" is played with photographs across the state.
In the studio Chet Curtis, Jeanne Blake, Donna Downes; Advertisements include Betamax/Sony, DataGeneral, Airbourne, Jo LaCour, Stanley Blacker at Jordan Marsh, Crest toothpaste, Folger's coffee, Dana Middleton, Kawasaki, Aunt Jemimah French Toast, Star TV, Pepsi;

2 Copies
