Park Street Under--Episode 3

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Park Street Under #3; Theme Song; Augie is feeding the plants when Bonnie complains about the outfit Augie wants her to wear; Augie announces that the place will be called Chez Augie to compete with the fancy places in Quincy Market; Marvin and Harvey talk about their worries; a mime enters, Marcel Marciano, who will be the new entertainment that Augie has hired to class-up the place; Marvin wants Ted Kennedy to run for President and is urging everyone to sign a petition; a customer decides to kill himself; black screen breaks; Bonnie talks with the customer who is so depressed; he got a boot on his car, and he talks about why it is such a tragic situation for him; Marvin tells Harvey to talk to the mime about why his act is not a good one; a Ted Kennedy clip is part of the show; Augie says he is going to vote for Jimmy Carter; Bonnie signs the petition for Ted Kennedy; the depressed customer finally decides to sign the petition; Harvey tries again with the mime, and has some success;
In the studio Steve Sweeney, Karen MacDonald, Jim Spruill, Brad Jones, Trent Arterberry, Peter Kovner, Hubert Jessup, James, Field, Arnie Reisman, William Sellers, Cathy Perron, Jim Lowell, Curt Reichenbach, Leon Goldman, Peter Sinatra, Joe Soucar, Cal Hoyle, Frank Quinn, Mary Newsham, Russ Cooper, Peter Walent, Scot Philbrick, Caroln Cruz, Len Pray, Leroy McLaurin, George Ellard, Jeff Brawer, Jonathan Klein, Andy Gaus, Karen MacDonald, Katie Tully, David Forman, Ted Talanian, Ed Andre, David Underhill, Steve Schlow, Brue Marson;

2 Copies
