Specials - The Great Blizzards

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February 4 1988
Master Specials The Great Blizzards X4585 Rec. 2/4/88
The Great Blizzards; Specials; Dick Albert hosts a report on how weather develops into blizzards that snarl the New England area; images of drifting snow and furious seas are part of this presentation; black screen breaks; the story begins with recollections of the Camp David Accords in preparation, and residents remember what they were doing in 1978 before the sea and snow ravaged their homes; an historical look back at March 1888 when there was another storm brewing while the streets are full of people shopping and visiting, and while others are busy doing early farming; images of the period are part of the story while voiceovers quote diary entries and letters; in 1978 there are images of weather stations, emergency workers and newsrooms reporting the story of the sudden storm's power; the highest tides ever reported are part of this storm and story; boats are lost and families are shattered during this weather emergency; 3,000 cars are snowbound on Rt. 128 and some are trapped for 20 hours; 32 hours and 27 inches of snow later, there are very different neighborhoods for many communities; images of homes piled on top of one another after the storm; strangers provide food and shelter; a hurricane with snow is how Dick Albert characterizes the 1978 storm; images of the 1888 storm's aftermath are part of the report; Mark Twain is quoted in a voiceover; Dick Albert reviews how efforts were made to change or avert the weather; he also recounts some changes that have been made to accommodate weather emergencies;
In the studio Debra Shapiro, Bob Comiskey, Myles Gordon, Dave Teixeira, Philip Kreuner, Art Donahue, Dick Erikson, Judy Guild, Roger Rice, Howie Rouse, Jeff Weinstock, Ellen Boyce, Vern Coleman, Doug Dike, Bob Hakkila, Jam Hakim, Scott Philbrick, Kif Williams, Geoffrey L. Sullivan, Bayard Peabody, Jr., Lisa Borge, Doug DeVitt, George Ellard, Gerri Powers, Jack Barry, Ed Andre, Leona McCarthy, Christine Finn, Dick Amaral, Judith Stoia, Paul LaCamera;

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