Five's Family Fourth

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April 1 1983
Master Special X2759 Fives Family Fourth July 4th 1983 Lowell
Play in D.T.; Fourth of July with Channel 5's Families; Special; Play in D.T.; Fourth of July with Channel 5's Families; Special; Chet Curtis and Natalie Jacobson host a holiday celebration from Cohasset; the minute man race is first up in the entertainment; singing, opinions and scenery are in bountiful supply; a segment on inventors provides the background on basketball -- a peach basket on a balcony -- for example, or the circular saw that was developed after combining a spinning wheel and band saw; there is so much more; Tom Rush and others provide a welcome musical interlude; the New England Conservatory Youth Choir performs; Arnie Reisman tells all about hot dogs;
Advertisements include Kodak, Toyota; In the studio J. Philip Miller, William Lowell, Debra Shapiro, Julie Sattler Rosene, Diane Sherlock, Louise Vogel, Geoff Muldaur, Ted Talanian, Jim Gilbert, Bruce Goldman, Frank Firnschild, Jay Gravina, Jam Hakim, Scott Philbrick, Rob Sturgeon, Kif Williams, George Ellard, Bill Frewald, Keith Jardine, Alan Pratt, Bayard Peabody, Jr., Roger Rice, Chris O'Hare, Rich O'Neill, Nancy Maloney, Sumner Shain, Joe Mozdiez, Linda Gomes, Jerry Milot, Karl Lorencic, Ed Dadulak, Mike Doherty, Bob Birkell, Alice Daly, Ellen Boyce, Howard Rouse, Doug DeVitt, Alan Pratt, Rob Roy, Eric Roth, Linda Adler, David Vos, Mary Ellen Hayes, Ed Andre, Alan Ritsko, William C. Brennan, J. Clifford Curley, The DeCordova Museum, Eric Lilljequist, Dean Adrian, Craig Marin, Olga Marin, Bill Tost, Cathy Lazar, Trent Arterberry, Tita Wernimont, Carry Ryan, Mike Ravaro, Len Phillips, Garry Krinsky, The Amazing Fantasy Jugglers;

2 Copies
