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March 4 1985
Rosey X5070 Master
Rosey: The Gentle Genius; Special; A man types on a manual typewriter and the viewer glances over news clips; Little Rock, Arkansas, of 1957 is recalled; Central High School is revisited, among the largest high schools in the country; Rosey's English teacher at Central High School is interviewed; Roosevelt Thompson's biography is recalled, after his death in Newark, New Jersey, by a poetry teacher at Central High; his classmates there talk about his importance to them; the faculty there talk about his value to the community; black screen breaks; a visit to his parent's home allows for a review of his awards and remembrances; Payne Chapel is part of the report; footage from his funeral is included; Yale University is visited for recollections of Roosevelt; he was selected to be a Rhodes Scholar; the weight room carries his name; he was a member of Calhoun College; his sister and girlfriend talk about him; a residue of anger at what might have been is mentioned often; a head-on collision was the cause of death, declared an accident, on the turnpike in New Jersey; a service award in his name, in Little Rock, was established; an interview with Hillary and Bill Clinton features their recollections of Roosevelt Thompson; detractors are hard to find;
In the studio Karl Nurse, Lovell Dyett, Jay Barry, David Skillicorn, Howie Rouse, Joe Moseley, George Ellard, Doug Deitt, Alan Pratt, Susan Krieger, Gonca Sonmez, Donald Larson-Gittens, Paul LaCamera;

3 Copies
