Specials - No Place Like Home

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March 27 1986
Aircheck; dub Specials X4101 No Place Like Home Rec: 3/27/86
Mary Richardson and Peter Mehegan host a special on the Massachusetts foster care system. Interviews with foster parents Peggy and Bob [Skowfield?]. Andria Hall reports on Patricia and Cleveland Riddick, who were in court to adopt a child they had fostered. Hall interviews Dr. Ben Nolan, clinical psychologist at the Roxbury Comprehensive Health Center. Mary Richardson reports on the case of Denise Gallison, convicted of killing her daughter, and the history of the foster care system. Interviews with Secretary of Human Services Philip Johnston and Commissioner of the Department of Social Services Marie Matava. Peter Mehegan reports on special needs children in foster care, including deaf teen Michelle [Almeda?]. Interviews with Michelle, with director of the Hayden School Joe [Schekman?], teenager Mark Nathans, and Al [Bickham], a mentor with D.A.R.E Family Services. Mehegan reports on the Department of Social Services decision that hinders LGBTQ parents from foster children. Interviews with DSS Supervisor Robert Moro, Representative Barbara Hildt, Attorney Mitchell Garabedian, DSS Social Worker Bertha Murphy, and DSS Supervisor Al Baptista. Discussion in the studio between Mehegan, Johnston, and Jetta Burnier, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Commission for Children and Youth. Report on foster child Steven Marshall. Includes advertisements for: Skippy peanut butter, Massachusetts Lottery, Mazda, Progresso Soup, the National Association of Letter Carriers, Nuveen, Dunkin’ Donuts, Mercury, Mott’s Apple Sauce, Megabucks, Ragu sauce, Ford, Wood-Mode, Slice, and Tourism Canada.
Credits: Produced by: Rory O’Connor; Directed by: David Lawless; Assistant Director: Brian Pellicano; Associated Producers: Lisa Ziegler, Judith Quain; Field Producers: Lisa Ziegler, Chris Stirling, Debra Shapiro, Andria Hall, Lorie George; Principle Videography: Rodney Grace; Principal Audio: Ellen Boyce; Additional Videography: Dick Dunham, Bill Hartigan, David Skillicorn; Additional Audio: Doug Dike, Jim Fripp, Libe-Stril-Rever, Jim Watson; Editing: Lisa Borge, Kathy McKenna, Alan Pratt, Curt Reichenbach, Post Production Editing: Doug DeVitt, George Ellard; Unit Manager: Stella Gould; Location Coordinator: Gerri Powers; Production Assistant: Jill Halstead; Assistant to the Producer: Gonca Sonmez, Graphic Designer: Jeff Boortz; Still Photographer: Steve Serio; Floor Director: Scott Philbrick; Stage Managers: Jam Hakim, B. Geoffrey Lans, Phil Walters; Switcher: Ann Thomas; Audio: Rod Adams, George Nahas; Lighting: Leon Goldman; Camera: Ed Baron, Mary Driscoll, Tony Tawa, Gretchen Soehner; Videotape: Reg Powers; ENG Receive: Leroy McLaurin; Chiron: Frank Firnschild; Interns: Virginia Roberts, Lisa Yokota, Program Administrator: Joy McGugan; Executive Producer: Judith Stoia; Vice President of Programming & Public Affairs: Paul LaCamera

2 Copies
