From Selma to Soweto

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January 13 1986
Master Specials X3917 From Selma to Soweto Rec. 1/13/86 Air. 1/20/86
From Selma to Soweto: Viewer alert: brutality and racial slurs are frequent; An opening segment of clips from civil rights marches and speeches are played before Chet Curtis reminds the viewer of Martin Luther King’s birthday that is now celebrated as a national holiday, and then he provides a review of King's leadership of the civil rights movement; a clip of Howard Zinn is included; many news clips and stark videos as well as still photos are part of the review; black screen breaks; South Africa is also facing racial struggles where violence is the hallmark of the situation there; "apartheid" is explained and demonstrated in clips from "Gandhi"; the "black sash" is noted and Martin Luther King's view that perhaps sabotage was necessary there; revolution seems to be inevitable, say those who are in the situation at many levels; because South Africa is a political friend globally, the U.S. cannot afford to cut off the country because of its policies internally; this creates an internal conflict in the U.S.;
Credits: Anthony Cromwell Hill, Geoffrey Sullivan, Susan Krieger, Howard Rouse, Marcel Watkins, George Ellard, Doug DeVitt, Myles Gordon, Lovell Dyett, Karl Nurse, Donna Latson-Gittens;

2 Copies
