Coastland: A New England Voyage

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February 25 1989
Specials: A New England Voyage: Coastland; Many scenes of the coastline set the stage for a report on the need to care for the shore; fishing and ship-building traditions are noted; Chet Curtis reports from the dock on the decline of fishing haul volume; competition is stiff internationally; John Cole is interviewed; the work of the seaside now is recreation; black screen breaks; seaside chic is discussed by many; Stonington, Connecticut is featured; Campabello gets special attention, and then on to Newport, Rhode Island, and the Americas Cup; changes in Chatham's coastline are noted; sea level rise, human waste, and housing challenges are all described; particulars of pollution in Boston Harbor are noted; aquaculture in Maine is discussed by Brian Beall; James Baumstark is interviewed about submarine training; some solutions are noted;
In the studio Dick Amaral, Bob Comiskey, Art Donahue, Bob Hakkila, Steve Colvin, Bob Oliver, Lisa Borge, Dave Buhl, Jeff Brawer, Dave Teixeira, Ray Smith, Susan Krieger, Christine Finn, Susan Bredhoff Cohen, Carolyn Kravetz, Myles Gordon, Leona McCarthy, Gerri Powers, Sarah Dunleavy, Bath Historical Museum, David Gwizdowski, Portland Video Workshop, Bob Michaelson, Natalie Jacobson, Bill Sargent, Judith Stoia, Paul LaCamera;

2 Copies
