Be A Good Sport: Child's Play

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July 16 1984
Master MSTR X3122 Child's Play
Special; Good Sport: Child's Play; children playing baseball while parents scream instruction, and it turns out to be a nightmare; Mike Lynch hosts a program on youth sports and the kinds of injuries and trauma that may result; a hockey coach shouts during lockerroom time; young athletes talk about what was hurtful to themselves; black screen breaks; Dave Cowens is quoted on what a coach ought to do with children; a film clip and commercials of "win it all" messages are part of this report; coach education is mentioned; self-worth is discussed; Don Hasslebeck is quoted on pushing kids to play and the damage it does; youth injuries are described by parents and discussed by experts who say that often pressure from parents are the biggest problem; kids talk about why they like to participate in sports;
In the studio Hamilton Fisher, William Lowell, Judy Foy, John Baynard, Brian Dowley Mark Cunning, Bill Hartigan, Chris O'Hare, Ray Smith, Wayne Smith, Howie Rouse, Ellen Boyce, Ellen Serwin-Greeley, Pete Townsend, Scott Philbrick, Jeff Brawer, Susan Krieger, Doug Devitt, Alan Pratt, Anya Ilott, Jerry Sack, Keith Moon, Tony Coleman, Frank Firnschild, Glen Robbins, Newton East Little League, Carol Fatta, Steve Perille, Linda Adler, Paul LaCamera;

2 Copies
