New Heaven/New Earth - Christian-Jewish Relations

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April 12 1983
New Heaven / New Earth X2464 Christian - Jewish Relations Rec. 4/12/83 Air. 4/24/83
Slate: ‘New Heaven/New Earth VTR: X2464 Rec. 4/12/83 Air. 4/24/83 Title: Christian/Jew Dir: Rubin’. Title: ‘New Heaven New Earth with Hubert Jessup’. Jessup leads a discussion with a group of Catholic and Jewish young people about religious relations between the two. The group talks about tensions, friendships, experiencing the practices of each other, antisemitism, and non-practice. After break, the group talks about Jesus, divinity, functions of belief, faith at birth, conversion, tolerance, absolute truth, personal choice, and personal faith. Credits and second close at end.
Credits; Producer/Host: Hubert Jessup; Director: Phil Rubin; Assistant Director: Frank Firnschild; Executive Producer: William C. Brennan.

2 Copies
